Create a Site Customization Experience

  • Updated


The Site Customization feature allows you to show customized web pages for different groups of target accounts. You can also track page visits and clicks and send these events to your Google Analytics.

Using selectors, you can define the target accounts for each experience. See Understanding Account Lists: The Heart of Your ABM Strategy.

The following are some examples of how you can organize your target accounts:

  • Industry: If you create HR software, you can have different messaging for software, retail, and hospitality. 
  • Department: If you create CRM software, you can have different messaging for engineers, product managers, and marketers. 
  • Tier: You can tell Tier 1 accounts about an exclusive event. 

After you create a new experience, the following tabs allow you to configure your experiences: 

  • Selector: Use selectors to define the target accounts.
  • Experience builder: Customize the web page elements using the following options:
    • Visual: Make changes by clicking directly on the preview page.
    • Advanced: Make changes in HTML for advanced customizations, such as changing menu items that only appear on hover.
  • Visitor location: Target visitors based on their location.
  • Tracking: Track and send page visits and click events to Google Analytics.
  • Review and activate: Review and activate the experience.


You must have access to Demandbase Personalization

You can create up to 30 live experiences. If you’d like to create more experiences, reach out to your account team.

You have the Demandbase tag deployed on your web pages.

Your company’s domain must be listed in the Allowed Domains page. Go to fb1bd190-0d1b-42b7-a89c-3a496fb807d2 Settings > Demandbase-Wide Settings > Allowed Domains and click Add a domain.
Important: Make sure you enter the correct domain/subdomain addresses, including http:// or https://.

Your browser can’t block previews of the web page. For example, you don’t have a Consent Manager that declines all cookies.

You can't customize website elements that load after the tag is loaded, such as carousels, drop-downs, iframes, or any object that requires the visitor’s input to enable additional content.

Steps: Create a New Experience

  1. From the left navigation bar, go to Personalization N.png Personalization > Site Customization
  2. Click Create New and enter an Experience Name
    Tip: To easily identify an experience, include the web page and target account information in the experience name. For example, Home page - Auto industry.
  3. Click Next

Steps: Selector

  1. From an experience, go to the Selector tab.
  2. Use selectors to define the target accounts. See Working with Selectors and Special Selectors.
    Important: If an account qualifies for multiple experiences, Demandbase gives you a warning throughout the customization process, including the name of the other experiences. See Configure Priority for an Experience
  3. Click Save

Steps: Experience Builder

  1. From an experience, go to the Experience builder tab.
  2. Customize the web page elements in the following tabs.
    • Visual
      1. In the URL box, enter the URL of the page you want to customize and click Load URL
      2. In the preview page, hover over and click the text, link, image, CTA button, or video link you want to customize.
      3. Customize the content and click Apply.
        Tip: The preview page shows the customized elements on the page. You can also see the list of changes in the right Modifications pane. 
      4. (Optional) Toggle on Interactive mode to interact with the page as a visitor. The element (HTML ID or CSS Class) displays when you're in Interactive mode. 
    • Advanced
      1. In the URL box, enter the URL of the page you want to customize and click Load URL
      2. Click Create a Modification
      3. In the HTML element identifier field, enter the name of the element and click Apply
      4. Customize the element.
  3. (Optional) To delete a modification, hover over the modification and click the trash icon.
  4. (Optional) Click Preview to preview the experience. You can also share the preview link with other team members.
  5. Click Save

Steps: Visitor location

  1. From an experience, go to the Visitor Location tab.
  2. Select an option in the Location type drop-down list.
  3. If you selected an option besides Global, select the regions or countries to target from the Specific Location drop-down list. See Reference: Directory of Geotargeting Regions and Countries for a list of countries and regions. 
    • If you define specific locations, only people from the accounts that qualify for the selector at those specific locations can see the customized experience. Use Global to target everyone at the account.
    • The Map view by the geoselector tool highlights your selections for quick visualization. 
  4. (Optional) To also show the experience to users with unknown locations, click Show experience if Location is unknown. Choose this option if you want to target all accounts that meet the selector criteria. 
  5. Click Save

Steps: Tracking

  1. From an experience, go to the Tracking tab. 
  2. Create a new tracking event. See Set Up Google Analytics Event Tracking in Site Customization and Configure Settings for Site Customization.
  3. Click Save.

Steps: Review and activate 

  1. From an experience, go to the Review and activate tab.
  2. (Optional) Experience Priority: You can change the priority of the experience by selecting High, Med, or Low from the drop-down list. See Configure Priority for an Experience.
    Important: If an account qualifies for multiple experiences on the same page, Demandbase shows the experience with the highest priority. By default, Demandbase sets every experience priority to Med.
  3. Review the experience details and click Activate
    Tip: You can preview the list of accounts that qualify for the experience by going to the Member Preview tab.


It can take up to 24 hours for new experiences and edits to process and load on your web page. 

For each experience you can download the configuration, edit, see the list of target accounts, and take action.

Download Configuration 

To download a .js file of an experience, go to Personalization N.png Personalization > Site Customization. Click the name of an experience and click Download Configuration at the top right. 

Edit an Experience

To edit an experience, go to Personalization N.png Personalization > Site Customization. Click the name of an experience, go to the appropriate tab, and make edits. Go to the Review and Activate tab and click Update

Member Preview Tab

To see the list of accounts that qualify for an experience, go to Personalization N.png Personalization > Site Customization. Click the name of an experience and go to the Member Preview tab. 

Take Action

To take quick actions with an experience, go to Personalization N.png Personalization > Site Customization. Check the box next to an experience, click Take Action, and choose from the following options in the drop-down list. 

  • Deactivate
  • Change Priority (you can also change priority by going to the Priority column and selecting High, Med, or Low from the drop-down list.
  • Duplicate
  • Delete
    Important: You must first deactivate an experience before you can delete it.


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