Create and Manage Departments

  • Updated


When you create users individually or add users in bulk, you can assign them to departments that reflect your organizational structure. Demandbase includes the following departments by default:

  • Advertising
  • Demand Gen
  • Marketing Ops
  • Other
  • Sales

You can edit or delete the default departments or create additional departments. For users you add in bulk, you can also configure if Demandbase imports users without an existing department assigned in the CSV file or your CRM. See Configure Imported User Settings.

Important: You cannot delete departments with users assigned to them.


You must have Admin privileges or be assigned to a permission set with the required Demandbase settings access.

Steps: Create a Department

  1. From the left navigation bar, go to Settings N.png Settings > User Management > Departments and click Create New.
  2. In the window that opens, enter the Name for the department and click Create Department.
    Tip: Demandbase adds the new department to the bottom of the table by default. You can click Reorder to update the order the departments appear in the table.

Steps: Edit or Delete a Department

  1. From the left navigation bar, go to Settings N.png Settings > User Management > Departments.
  2. Hover over the department name, click the gear icon that appears, and select one of the following options:
    • Edit Department: Select to update the department name.
    • Delete: Select to delete the department. This option is only available if the department doesn’t have users assigned.
      Edit or Delete Departments.png

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