Step 1: Add Demandbase App Package in Salesforce

  • Updated


Installing the Demandbase app package from the Salesforce AppExchange is the first step in connecting Demandbase and Salesforce. It adds a number of Demandbase custom fields, an iFrame, and a Salesforce dashboard with Sales Insights reports. You can also add custom tabs to access Demandbase directly from Salesforce.

A Demandbase Salesforce Lite integration is also available for customers interested in a read-only integration. See Set Up Salesforce Lite with Demandbase One and Optional Pardot Integration.

What does the Demandbase (ABX Cloud) Package do?

The Demandbase app package adds custom fields to the Account, Contact, and Lead object so you don't have to create them manually. It contains minimal APEX code. See Step 4: Add Demandbase Fields to Salesforce. 

It also comes with one Visualforce iFrame that you can add to page layouts for visual engagement insights. This tabbed iFrame offers multiple chart views. See Step 5: Add Demandbase Visualforce Chart to Salesforce. 

In Salesforce Lightning, we offer a Salesforce dashboard for users that want to see a graphical representation of Demandbase based reports. See Sales Insights Dashboard and Reports within Salesforce.

Important: In Salesforce, there is a limit on dynamic dashboards you can install depending on your license. See the dashboard article in Salesforce for more information. 

What does the package not do?

  • This package does NOT modify any existing Salesforce data.
  • This package does NOT create new Objects.
  • This package does NOT create new Records. 
  • This package does NOT create any user profiles or permission sets.


You must have Admin privileges within your Salesforce environment. 

If installing in a Salesforce Sandbox, you must also have a Demandbase Sandbox environment. Reach out to your Demandbase account team for assistance.


  1. Download the Demandbase app package directly from the SalesForce AppExchange.
  2. You can install the app package in production or sandbox environment.
    • Production: Click Get It Now. There is no charge to install the package. 
    • Sandbox: Click Try it free.
  3. Log in to Salesforce with We highly recommend you use a dedicated sync user profile.  
  4. Install the app package in production or sandbox environment.
    • Production: Click Install in Production.
    • Sandbox:
      Important: Only connect a Salesforce Sandbox to a Demandbase Sandbox. 
      a. Select Try in your Sandbox.
      b. Review your information and click Continue to Installation.
      Step 2.png
  5. Check the Terms and Conditions box, click Confirm and Install.Screen_Shot_2022-07-11_at_2.31.16_PM.jpg
  6. Select Install for All Users and click Install. Engagio is the Publisher. 
    Important: Installing the app for Admins only will require the addition of component and class permissions for non-admins to view charts.
  7. The Installing and granting all access to all Users... message appears.


  8. When you see the Installation Complete message, click Done. The Demandbase App is now available in your Salesforce.
    To manage the Demandbase App package, go to Setup and quick find Installed Packages. You can see the Demandbase ABM package.

Next Steps

See Step 2: Obtain Salesforce Credentials

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