Understanding the Journeys Summary Page

  • Updated

The Journeys Summary page in the Analytics section helps you measure how your target account lists are performing across each of your Journey Stages. You can also track key metrics such as Pipeline, Revenue, Close Rate, Average Deal Size, Volume, Conversion, and Velocity. By analyzing journey progression and revenue metrics, you can draw insights on Account-Based Marketing (ABM) strategies that maximize ROI. 

To access the Journeys Summary page, from the left navigation bar, go to Analytics2.png Analytics > Journeys. After you select an account list, you can use the date range selector and quick filters at the top of the page to update the data shown. 


List Selection and Comparison

The list selection and comparison section allows you to see how accounts are performing throughout its ABM journey with your company. You can analyze journey data for the selected list and also compare it to up to two date ranges for the same list or up to two account lists. Each list is identified by a color automatically assigned by Demandbase.


Selected List

The primary account list you selected initially displays first in this section. To change the selected account list, use the drop-down list at the top of the page. 

Compare To

Below the selected account list, you can click Compare another list to choose an option for the comparisons you want to see.

Tip: To delete the list you’re comparing, go to the Compare to box and click the x next to the list.  

Current List

Use this option to compare different date ranges for the primary account list selected. The date ranges for each of the available options are based on the primary date range you selected initially at the top of the page. For example, if you selected a date range between July 5 and July 12, 2023, the date ranges used for the available options will be based on this same date range. For the Month over month option, the date range would be the same seven-day time period for the previous month, June 5 to June 12, 2023. For the Quarter over Quarter option, the date range would be the same seven-day time period for the previous quarter, April 5 to April 12, 2023.  

Tip: The primary date range can be adjusted at the top of the page. 


The date range options available include:

  • Same lookback period: The preceding equivalent time period for the primary date range selected. 
  • Month over month: Last month’s equivalent time period for the primary date range selected. 
  • Quarter over Quarter: Last quarter’s equivalent time period for the primary date range selected. 
  • Year over Year:  Last year’s equivalent time period for the primary date range selected. 

Important: The date range options are not available if you selected a primary date range more than 13 months in the past.


Use this option to compare the selected account list to different lists. By default, the primary date range you selected at the top of the page is used for the comparison. 

To select the list to compare, enter the name of an account list and select it. 


Date Range Selector

The date range selector to the right of the account list allows you to adjust the date range for any of the comparisons. You can also use quick picks for Last 7 Days, Last 30 Days, Last 3 Months, and Last 12 Months. 


KPI Cards

The cards show KPIs for metrics related to opportunities for each account list. Click on the Pipeline or Revenue card and easily go to the Analytics2.png Analytics > Opportunities page for further analysis.

  • All Opportunities: Sum of the Opportunity Amount Field for all opportunities created in the selected date range.
  • Pipeline: Sum of the Opportunity Amount Field for open opportunities created in the selected date range. 
  • Revenue: Sum of the Opportunity Amount Field for closed-won opportunities in the selected date range.
    • You can change the opportunity amount field you want to use to calculate Pipeline and Revenue meterics. See Understanding Company Settings for Journeys and Opportunities.
    • You can add additional filters to the list of opportunities used to calculate Pipeline and Revenue. For example, you may want to include only new business opportunities, exclude renewals, or add another custom filter. To add these filters, admins can go to Settings N.png Settings > Journey > Journey Settings, select the Opportunity filter tab, and add filters using Selectors.
  • Opportunity close rate: The percentage of the closed-won opportunities in the selected date range. 
  • Average deal size: The average revenue of the closed-won opportunities in the selected date range. 

Journey KPI Cards.png

Journey Summary

The Journey Summary section shows the number, percentage, Volume, Velocity, and Conversion of accounts in each Journey Stage. This view allows you to easily visualize the performance of accounts over time. Each account list is represented by a color assigned by Demandbase in the List Selection and Comparison section.

  • Stage: The Journey Stage for the accounts. 
  • Accounts: The number and percentage of accounts in the stage during the selected date range.
  • Volume: The number of accounts that moved to a forward stage during the selected date range. The Volume tallies an account’s forward transition only once. Volume excludes repeated or backward transitions into a stage by the same account. For example, if an account moves backwards from the Opportunity stage to the Engaged stage, it isn’t included in the Volume number for the Engaged stage.
  • Velocity: The average number of days accounts spent in the stage before moving to a forward stage during the selected date range.
  • Conversion: The percentage of accounts that entered the stage and moved to a forward stage over the total number of accounts that entered the stage during the selected date range. The total number of accounts includes accounts that moved forward, backward, or skipped that stage.


Hidden Stages

The Hidden Stages selector allows you to Hide or Show hidden Journey Stages in the Journey Summary section. 

Tip: To edit the Hidden Journey Stages, admins can go to Settings N.png Settings > Journey > Acount Journey Builder and toggle off Show in Analytics.  

Hidden Stages.png

Chart Summary

Below the chart, you can see the total number of accounts in each list that transitioned through the journey funnel during the selected date range. 


Chart Actions

In the chart, you can see detailed descriptions of the data, filter the All Accounts table by Journey Stage, and go to the Volume, Velocity, and Conversion sections for further analysis. 

  • Hover over data to see in-depth descriptions. 
  • Click on one or more Journey Stage to filter the data in the All Accounts table. 

In the Volume, Velocity, and Conversion columns, click on a metric for the primary account list (shown in bold) to go to the corresponding Analytics2.png Analytics > Volume, Velocity, or Conversion page.

Tip: To configure the Journey Stage for each metric, go to Settings N.png Settings > Journey > Journey Settings, select the KPI tab, and select the stages in the Journey metrics section.


All Accounts Table

The All Accounts table shows the primary account list and each list selected for comparison in individual tabs. You can search for an account, export data as a CSV, take action with accounts, filter for Net new and existing accounts, and edit columns. See Use Tables in Engagement for more information. 

You can take the following actions from the tables section:

  • To search for an account, click the magnifying glass icon. 
  • To export an account list in CSV format, select the tab with the account list you want to export and click Export.
    Important: The exported CSV file only includes information from the currently selected tab. You cannot export the information for all tabs to one CSV file.
  • If you find accounts you want to take action on based on their current Journey Stage, select the Account Name checkboxes and click Take Action. The Take Action window appears and shows available actions. See Taking Action with Accounts and People for more information. 
  • You can filter the table to only see existing accounts from your CRM, MAS, and CSV imports, net new accounts surfaced by Demandbase, or both. Click the Accounts from All Sources drop-down list and select the account type you want to see. 
  • To add, remove, or reorder the columns in the table, click Edit Columns.
  • To filter the table by Journey Stage, select one or more stages in the Journey Summary section. 

Journeys Accounts Table.png

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