Understanding the Program Impact Page

  • Updated

The Program Impact page in Analytics gives you insight into the effectiveness of your Salesforce Campaigns and Marketo Programs in relation to your target accounts. Demandbase estimates effectiveness by looking at opportunity stage transitions that take place within one year after an account has a successful response to a program. 

Demandbase defines success as follows:

  • Salesforce Campaigns: The Campaign Member status is marked as Responded. See Salesforce's Manage Campaign Members article for more information. 
  • Marketo Programs: The Program Membership status is marked as Success. See Marketo’s Program Membership article for more information.


Access Program Impact

To access the page, select an account list and go to Analytics2.png Analytics > Program Impact from the left navigation bar.
Important: The Program Impact page is only available for Account Lists. 

To update and work with the information shown, you can do the following:

  • Use the date range selectors to change the date range. The default date is determined by your assigned user view.
  • Use quick filters to narrow down the list of programs and campaigns.
  • Use Search to find specific programs or campaigns. This searches values in the Type and Program Name columns.
  • Click Type/Channel to see a breakdown of successes by the campaign or program type.
  • Click Edit Columns to add, remove, or reorder the columns in the table. The table includes a default set of columns that show information for each campaign or program. See Column Definitions for details about columns you can add.
  • Click Export to export the list in CSV format.

Column Definitions

The following columns are available for the Program Impact page. The default columns are denoted with an asterisk.

Column Name Definition
Type* The campaign or program category.
Program Name* The name of the Salesforce Campaign or Marketo Program.
Successes* The number of people with a responded or success status for the program.
Account Coverage* The percentage and number of accounts from the selected account list with program success.
New Opportunities*

The number of new opportunities created within 1 year after program success. 

Tip: You can click a value in the column to open the Opportunities page. Demandbase automatically filters the page to show opportunities created after the date of the first response or success for that campaign or program.

New Pipeline Revenue*

The dollar amount (opportunity Amount field) for opportunities created within 1 year after the program success date. 

Tip: You can click a value in the column to open the Opportunities page. Demandbase automatically filters the page to show opportunities created after the date of the first response or success for that campaign or program.

Closed-Won Revenue*

The dollar amount (opportunity Amount field) for opportunities closed or won within 1 year after the program success date.

Tip: You can click a value in the column to open the Opportunities page. Demandbase automatically filters the page to show closed-won opportunities created after the date of the first response or success for that campaign or program.

Accelerated Amount The total dollar amount (opportunity Amount field) change for opportunities that close at least 30 days early due to program success.
Accelerated Count The number of opportunities that close at least 30 days early due to program success.
Accelerated Days The number of days opportunities close early when opportunities close at least 30 days early due to program success. 
Opportunity Revenue Change The total dollar amount (opportunity Amount field) change for opportunities after program success.
Forecast Revenue Change The total expected dollar amount (opportunity Amount field) change for opportunities after program success.
Opportunity Probability Change The total change in probabilities for opportunities after program success.
Engagement Minutes The number of engagement minutes related to the program success.
Successes in Target Accounts The number of accounts in the selected account list with program success.
Target Accounts The number of accounts in the selected account list.
Target Accounts with a Success The number of accounts in the selected account list with program success.
Closed-Won Avg Days The average number of days opportunities are won after program success.
Won Opportunities The number of won opportunities after program success.
Win Percentage The percent of won opportunities after program success.

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