You can create customized views of Demandbase and assign them to different users or groups of users. Users assigned to a view see the settings defined in the view by default. If a user changes their settings, the change takes precedence over the settings defined in the view.
View Management impacts the user view in the following areas:
- Demandbase One for Marketing, including Quick Cards.
- Snapshot Emails
- Demandbase One for Sales > Engagement > Default Filters and Default Date Ranges
- Prescriptive Sales Dashboards > Default Account List and Default Filter
You must have Admin privileges or be assigned to a permission set with the required Demandbase settings access.
Users must be created in Demandbase before you can assign them to views. See Manage Users and Roles.
- From the left navigation bar, go to
Settings > User Management > View Management and click Create New.
- In the Create New View window, enter a Name for the view and click Create View.
- Click the Configuration tab if it's not selected.
- Configure the view options in the following tabs:
General: Select the default homepage, list, saved filter, time range, account metric source, journey funnel, Analytics dashboard, and predictive scores to use for the view.
Tip: The account metric source is used to calculate the number that appears next to the account name (in the green bubble) to show the account's engagement.
Analytics Detail Fields: Customize the fields displayed for the individual Account, Person, and Opportunity details in the Dashboard.
Columns: Select the default columns for Accounts, Activities, People Opportunities, and Site Analytics tables.
Heatmaps: Select the fields to use for the rows and columns in the Engagement, People, Salesforce (Visualforce), and Snapshot (weekly email) heatmaps. You can also set the maximum number or rows to display by default in the Engagement, People, and CRM heatmaps.
Quick Filters: Select up to three filters for the Dashboard, Engagement, Site Analytics, Intent, Journeys, Accounts, People, Opportunities, and Program Impact pages in the Analytics section.
Database Fields: Select the fields to display for the Fields tab of individual Accounts, People, and Opportunities in the Database section.
General: Select the default homepage, list, saved filter, time range, account metric source, journey funnel, Analytics dashboard, and predictive scores to use for the view.
- Click Save.
- To assign users to the view, click the Assigned Users tab and do the following:
a. Click Assign Users.
b. In the Assign Users window, select one or more users in the left menu and click the right arrow icon.
Tip: To remove a user, select them and click the left arrow icon.
c. Click Save.
To verify that the view is configured correctly, add yourself as an assigned user and refresh your browser to see the changes.