The Fields page allows Administrators to see and manage fields that sync into the Demandbase database.
Tip: If you're licensed to use workspaces, you can also manage fields in individual workspaces. See Manage Workspace Fields.
Take Action
You can take the following actions with fields:
Activate: Enable the field and sync data into Demandbase.
- When you activate a previously inactive field, you can see the historical data in Demandbase.
- When you activate a field with multiple sources (merged fields), only one source can be activated at a time. Merge fields are listed multiple times; once as a merged source and again for each individual source. You can’t activate the merged field, only its individual sources.
Deactivate: Disable the field and stop syncing data into Demandbase.
- When a field is inactive, you can’t see the field in selectors or tables in Demandbase. You can only see the field on the Fields page.
- Merge fields are listed multiple times; once as a merged source and again for each individual source. When you deactivate a field with multiple sources (merged fields), you can’t deactivate the merged field, only its individual sources. You can only deactivate one source at a time.
Make Favorite: Make the field a favorite.
- Favorited fields are prioritized above other fields in various areas of Demandbase, such as Filters and Selectors. Favorited fields have a star next to them throughout Demandbase.
- Unfavorite: Remove the field from favorites.
Delete: Delete the field and all historical data from Demandbase.
Important: Deleting a field is permanent and can’t be undone.
You must have Admin privileges or be assigned to a permission set with the required Demandbase settings access.
Review the following articles:
Steps: Take Action with Fields
From the left navigation bar, go to
Settings > Analytics > Fields.
- To refresh the data, click Refresh Fields.
To take action, click the checkbox next to a field, click the down arrow next to the Activate button, and choose from the following actions.
Tip: You can also use the right quick action buttons.- Activate
- Deactivate
- Make Favorite
- Unfavorite
- Delete
To track and display the field value changes for each object in the Demandbase Activity Log, toggle on Track Field Value Change.
Tip: To see the field value change data, from the left navigation bar, go toDatabase > Accounts, select an account, and click the Activity log tab.
To export the table to a CSV file, click Export.
Steps: See Field Information
From the left navigation bar, go to
Settings > Analytics > Fields.
To find specific fields, use the following filters at the top of the page:
- Object
- Field Type
- Source
- Active or Inactive
- Favorite or Not favorite
- Tracking or Not Tracking
- To search the table, click the search icon
and enter a search term. Searches return full and partial text matches.
- To change the columns in the table, click Edit Columns.
To see more detail about each field, do the following:
- Hover over the Object icon, to see the object type.
Hover over the Source icon to see the field's source.
Tip: Hover over theMerged Sources icon to see its multiple sources. Demandbase prioritizes merged field data in the following order:
a. CRM
b. Marketing Automation System
c. CSV Data Import
d. Demandbase Database
- The Field Type shows the type of data a field contains (String, Date, Text, Boolean, etc). Each Demandbase field type may represent multiple field types from integrated systems. For example both the Salesforce currency and number fields are combined and represented as a Demandbase number field type.