Manage Workspace Fields

  • Updated


You can manage fields for individual workspaces, allowing you to only see the fields relevant to that specific workspace. For example, you can deactivate a field in Workspace A while still keeping it visible in Workspace B. See Manage Fields in the Database and Understanding Workspaces

In each individual workspace, you can take the following actions with fields: 

  • Activate: Enable the field in the individual workspace.
    Important: If a field is inactive in the global workspace, it is inactive in all workspaces.
    • When you activate a previously inactive field, you can see the historical data in Demandbase. 
    • When you activate a field with multiple sources (merged fields), only one source can be activated at a time. Merge fields are listed multiple times; once as a merged source and again for each individual source. You can’t activate the merged field, only its individual sources.
  • Deactivate: Disable the field in the individual workspace.
    Important: If a field is inactive in the global workspace, it is inactive in all workspaces.
    • When a field is inactive, you can’t see the field in selectors or tables in the workspace. You can only see the field on the Fields page. 
    • Merge fields are listed multiple times; once as a merged source and again for each individual source. When you deactivate a field with multiple sources (merged fields), you can’t deactivate the merged field, only its individual sources. You can only deactivate one source at a time. 
  • Make Favorite: Make the field a favorite. 
    • Favorited fields are prioritized above other fields in various areas of Demandbase, such as Filters and Selectors. Favorited fields have a star next to them throughout the workspace.
  • Unfavorite: Remove the field from favorites. 


  • You can only track field changes from the global workspace. See Take Action with Fields
  • You can only delete fields from the global workspace. If you delete a field from the global workspace, it also deletes the field from individual workspaces. 


You must be licensed to use workspaces.

You must have Admin privileges or be assigned to a permission set with the required access.

Steps: Take Action with Fields

  1. From the drop-down list for selecting workspaces in the top navigation bar, select the desired workspace. See Understanding Workspaces Navigation for more information about switching workspaces.
    WS Tenant.png
  2. From the left navigation bar, go to Settings_N.png Settings > Analytics > Fields.
  3. To take action, use the following right quick action buttons: 
    • Activate
    • Deactivate
    • Make Favorite
    • Unfavorite
  4. (Optional) To export the table to a CSV file, click Export.WS Fields.png

Steps: See Field Information 

  1. From the drop-down list for selecting workspaces in the top navigation bar, select the desired workspace. See Understanding Workspaces Navigation for more information about switching workspaces.
    WS Tenant.png
  2. From the left navigation bar, go to Settings_N.png Settings > Analytics > Fields.
  3. See field information. See Steps: See Field Information.

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