You can manage fields for individual workspaces, allowing you to only see the fields relevant to that specific workspace. For example, you can deactivate a field in Workspace A while still keeping it visible in Workspace B. See Manage Fields in the Database and Understanding Workspaces.
In each individual workspace, you can take the following actions with fields:
Activate: Enable the field in the individual workspace.
Important: If a field is inactive in the global workspace, it is inactive in all workspaces.
- When you activate a previously inactive field, you can see the historical data in Demandbase.
- When you activate a field with multiple sources (merged fields), only one source can be activated at a time. Merge fields are listed multiple times; once as a merged source and again for each individual source. You can’t activate the merged field, only its individual sources.
Deactivate: Disable the field in the individual workspace.
Important: If a field is inactive in the global workspace, it is inactive in all workspaces.
- When a field is inactive, you can’t see the field in selectors or tables in the workspace. You can only see the field on the Fields page.
- Merge fields are listed multiple times; once as a merged source and again for each individual source. When you deactivate a field with multiple sources (merged fields), you can’t deactivate the merged field, only its individual sources. You can only deactivate one source at a time.
Make Favorite: Make the field a favorite.
- Favorited fields are prioritized above other fields in various areas of Demandbase, such as Filters and Selectors. Favorited fields have a star next to them throughout the workspace.
- Unfavorite: Remove the field from favorites.
- You can only track field changes from the global workspace. See Take Action with Fields.
- You can only delete fields from the global workspace. If you delete a field from the global workspace, it also deletes the field from individual workspaces.
You must be licensed to use workspaces.
You must have Admin privileges or be assigned to a permission set with the required access.
Steps: Take Action with Fields
- From the drop-down list for selecting workspaces in the top navigation bar, select the desired workspace. See Understanding Workspaces Navigation for more information about switching workspaces.
- From the left navigation bar, go to Settings > Analytics > Fields.
To take action, use the following right quick action buttons:
- Activate
- Deactivate
- Make Favorite
- Unfavorite
- (Optional) To export the table to a CSV file, click Export.
Steps: See Field Information
- From the drop-down list for selecting workspaces in the top navigation bar, select the desired workspace. See Understanding Workspaces Navigation for more information about switching workspaces.
- From the left navigation bar, go to Settings > Analytics > Fields.
- See field information. See Steps: See Field Information.