Manage Account Lists

  • Updated


After you create your account lists, you can update or delete them. You can also add or remove accounts from static lists.

We recommend that you add or remove accounts with caution. Avoid updating your account lists too often, or in the middle of a pilot program or quarter, so you're not comparing apples to oranges when you measure the results of your account targeting.

Consider making a major update to your account lists on an annual basis to match corporate goals and objectives. You can also update account lists if you are rolling out a new product that appeals to a new industry or segment, or if there is a shift in focus to go up market or down market. Make minor adjustments quarterly to match quarterly goals.

Keeping your account list updated and communicating that should be a central process in your ABM strategy. For more information, see Understanding Account Lists, the Heart of Your ABM Strategy.

Important: Unused lists are auto-archived by Demandbase. See Understanding Auto-Archived Account, People, and Opportunity Lists.

Steps: Edit Details of an Account List 

  1. From the left navigation bar, go to Database_N.png Database > Account Lists.
  2. In the Account Lists table, click the name of an account list.
  3. Edit the following account list details:
    • Selectors: Go to the Selector tab. Edit the selectors and click Save
    • Name: 
      • Option 1: Click the account list name to enable the text field and enter a new name.
      • Option 2: Go to the Detail tab. Hover over the name, click the pencil icon, and edit the name. Click the checkmark next to the box. 
    • Description: Go to the Detail tab. Hover over the description, click the pencil icon, and edit the description. Click the checkmark next to the box. 
    • Owner: Go to the Detail tab. Hover over the owner, click the pencil icon, and edit the owner. Click the checkmark next to the box. 
      Account Details.png

Steps: Update the CRM Report or View for an Account List

  1. From the left navigation bar, go to Database_N.png Database > Account Lists.
  2. In the Account Lists table, click the name of an account list created from a CRM report or view.
    Tip: You can filter for CRM account lists by selecting D365 View, SFDC report or SFDC view in the List Type filter.

  3. Select the Details tab and click the CRM report or view link in the List type field.
  4. In the Change List Type window, click Confirm.
  5. In the Update List Type window, select a new CRM report or view from the Select Report or Select View drop-down list and click Update List Type.

Steps: Add Accounts to a Static Account List

Tip: You can also take action from any table with accounts to add accounts to a static list. See Take Action: Static Lists.

  1. From the left navigation bar, go to Database_N.png Database > Account Lists.
  2. In the Account Lists table, click the name of a static account list.
    Tip: You can filter for account lists by selecting Static list in the List Type filter.
  3. Click Add Accounts.
  4. Use Basic or Advanced Selectors to filter accounts and click Continue.
    Tip: Click the refresh icon to see the number accounts that meet the Selector criteria.
  5. Select accounts to add to the static account list using one of the following methods:
    • From the table, select the checkboxes for the accounts you want to add.
    • Select the checkbox next to the Account Name column header to select all accounts on the current page in the table.
      Tip: To select all accounts on all pages, click the Select available … rows link above the table.
  6. Click Add Accounts to add the selected accounts.

Steps: Remove Accounts from a Static Account List

  1. From the left navigation bar, go to Database N.png Database > Account Lists.
  2. In the Account Lists table, click the name of a static account list.
    Tip: You can filter for static account lists by selecting Static list in the List Type filter.
  3. Select the checkboxes for the accounts you want to remove. 
  4. Click Remove Accounts to remove the selected accounts. 

Steps: Take Additional Actions on an Account List

  1. From the left navigation bar, go to Database_N.png Database > Account Lists.
  2. In the Account Lists table, select the checkbox for an account list.
  3. Click Take action and select an available action.
    • Make Favorite: Select to add the list as a favorite.
      Tip: Favorited lists appear at the top of the drop-down list for selecting account lists in Analytics. 
    • Unfavorite: Select to remove the list as a favorite.
    • Make Public: Select to make the list public. Demandbase requires you to confirm before making the list public.
      Important: After you make a list public, you cannot make it private again. 
    • Delete: Select to delete the list. Demandbase requires you to confirm before deleting the list.
    • Add to folder: Select to add the list to a folder. See Create and Manage Folders for Account, Person, and Opportunity Lists.
    • Duplicate List: Select to duplicate the list. You can enter a new name and description for the list.

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