Connect Microsoft Email to Demandbase

  • Updated


Each user can connect their Microsoft Exchange or Microsoft Office 365 email to provide access permissions to Demandbase. The steps required depends on your version of Exchange or Office 365.

Tip: If you need to verify or troubleshoot your Microsoft Exchange connection, see the Steps to Verify the Demandbase Can Sync section in this article


Demandbase must enable the Microsoft Email Connector feature. Reach out to your Demandbase CSM or for assistance. 


  1. From the left navigation bar, go to Settings_N.png Settings > My Profile > Email Credentials.
  2. Follow the steps for your version of Exchange or Office 365:
    • For Office 365 Online, click Connect to Microsoft and enter your login credentials in login window that opens.
    • For Microsoft Exchange or Office 365 On-Premises, enter the following and click Save and Verify:
      • Domain/User: Your UPN for Microsoft Services (Skype, Sharepoint, etc.), and it defaults to your email username.
      • Password: This is the password you use to login to MS Services.


Demandbase starts tracking emails and calendar events and applies the activities to Engagement Minutes.


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