Understanding Intent Engagement

  • Updated

The Intent Engagement page helps your sales and marketing teams identify and prioritize which accounts to take action on based on intent activities. For a selected account list and date range, you can see accounts ranked by Intent Engagement Minutes along with the keywords they are reading about. You can also find the keywords that are being read about by the most number of companies.

To get started, from the left navigation bar, go to Analytics2.png Analytics > Intent. Select an account list and date range. If necessary, apply the quick filters at the top of the page to filter by intent keyword sets, intent keywords, and intent strength.


Tip: Admins can customize the default quick filters available from the View Management page.

The Intent Engagement page includes the Accounts and Keywords tabs.

Accounts Tab

The Accounts tab shows the accounts that are reading about the keywords in your keyword sets for the selected account list and date range. For each account, you can see their total Intent Engagement Minutes and the top keywords they are reading about. Trending Intent Trending_Intent.png indicates if a keyword has been trending for that account during the selected date range and Competitive Intent Competitive_Intent.png represents research against your competitors.

To filter the accounts shown, use the quick filters at the top of the page or select one or more keywords sets from the drop-down list. 

If you find accounts that you want to take action on, select the Account checkboxes and click Take Action. The right Take Action section appears and shows the available actions. See Taking Action with Accounts and People.


Keywords Tab

The Keywords tab shows the keywords that accounts from the selected account list are reading about during the selected date range. Demandbase ranks the keywords by the number of accounts reading about it. For each keyword, you can also see the number of accounts reading about it each week for the past four weeks and the top accounts reading about it. The Trending Intent (Trending_Intent.png) and Competitive Intent (Competitive_Intent.png) icons indicate if the keyword was trending or is part of a Competitor Keyword Set in the selected date range, respectively.

To see the number of accounts reading about a keyword each week, hover over the sparkline in the Weekly Trends column.


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