May 2022 Product Update

  • Updated

New Features:

Advertising Cloud - People-Based Advertising: Known Contacts

You may now associate a people-list with each advertising campaign. The people you specify will be used by Demandbase to match (when possible) and prioritize the individuals within the account list. The addition to people-based optimization within each campaign will increase campaign performance, as this maximizes the chances your campaign spend will go towards the correct individuals. When the individuals within your people-list are not identifiable on the web using our identity resolution technology, intent-based optimization will ensure we surround the buying group with impressions.

ABX Cloud - Data Import Audit Report  (Available by May 31)

The new Data Import Audit Report provides information on the data import transaction. This information is valuable for the user to understand the results of the CSV records they imported. The report outlines which CSV records matched or did not match, and why. Previously, this type of reporting was only available as a CSV Audit file that needed exporting to analyze offline. Now this information is available in the new Report tab for each specific data import within the Database > Accounts > Data Import section.

See Next Steps in Import or Reimport Account or Opportunity Data from a CSV File for more information.


ABX Cloud - System Notification Email: Predictive Model Training

To ensure your predictive models are always up to date, and that you’re taking full advantage of Demandbase’s continuous machine learning improvements, users subscribed to high-severity System Notifications will now receive email notifications for each Predictive Score that needs to be retrained. To retrain a predictive model, click Save and train model on the Predictive Score Setup page.

See System Notification Severity.

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