Demandbase provides you with insights about which technologies have been adopted by companies in your target market. Demandbase has data on over 21,000 technologies. Select the ones that are relevant to your business to expose to your Demandbase users.
To learn more about technographics, see Understanding Technographic Data.
You must have Admin privileges or be assigned to a permission set with the required Demandbase settings access.
Steps: Set Up Technographic Fields
- From the left navigation bar, go to Settings > Demandbase-Wide Settings > Technographics Setup.
Search for technologies of interest to your business and select them from the drop-down list to add them.
- You can select up to the number of technologies defined in your licensing agreement.
- To narrow your search, use the Select Technographic Category and Select Sub Category drop-down lists.
- Demandbase creates Account fields for the selected technologies to expose technographic data to your users.
- Click Save.
Steps: Update Table Columns in User Views
You can add technographic fields as default table columns for user views so other users can access technographic data points more easily. Technographic fields can also be added as quick filters for user views.
- From the left navigation bar, go to Settings > User Management > View Management.
- Select a view to edit from the table.
- From the Configuration tab, select the Columns sub-tab.
- Select a Table Type to update (Account, Person, Activity, Opportunity). All table types can potentially benefit from technographic fields.
To select from the technographic fields that you set up previously, enter Technology in the Search box for Table Columns.
Steps: Update Table Columns in Individual Tables
You can also add columns to individual tables for the technographic fields set up previously. The following example shows how to add technographic fields to the table on the Accounts page in the Analytics section.
- From the left navigation bar, go to Analytics > Accounts.
- Click Edit Columns under the table.
- In the Edit Columns Fields to Display window, add columns by entering Technology in the Search box to find technographic fields.
- Click Apply.
The technographic fields added appear as columns in the table.
Steps: Filter to Accounts Using a Technology
You can use filters to limit a table to show only accounts that are using or not using a particular technology. The following example shows how to filter the table on the Accounts page in the Analytics section.
- From the left navigation bar, go to Analytics > Accounts.
- At the top of the page, click More Filters.
- From the Basic tab of the More Filters window, select Technographics.
- To view accounts using a technology, select Contains and the technographic field added for the technology.
Tip: Select Does Not Contain to view accounts not using a technology.
- Click Apply Filter.
The table updates to only show accounts using the technology.
Steps: Create an Email Report Using Technographics
You can set up a scheduled emailed report that uses technographic fields as part of its filter criteria. The email can go out to all sellers, on a daily or weekly basis. It will be customized for each seller to include their accounts. For more information about reports, see Create Custom Reports.
Create the report.
a. From the left navigation bar, go to Analytics > Reports.
b. Click Create New.
c. For Member Type, select Account.
d. Enter the Name and Description and click Create Report.
e. Select the Selector tab.
f. Use Selectors to enter filter criteria. You can combine filters on technographics with other filter conditions related to account engagement. Search for Technology to select from the technographic fields set up previously. -
(Optional) Create a subscription.
a. Click the Subscriptions tab and click Create Subscription.
Tip: You can customize the columns in the report in the Layout tab.
b. To set up the report for all sellers, personalized for each to their individual account lists, use the Personalized Subscription option. See Create and Manage Snapshot, Slack Alert, and Report Subscriptions.