View Audience History

  • Updated


The History tab for an Audience includes three sub-tabs that show information about the Audience after it syncs to a Destination. The information available depends on the member type (Account or Person) selected for the Audience. 


The Members sub-tab shows a list of accounts or people that have qualified for an Audience and have been synced to a Destination. The sub-tab shows the following information:

  • Account Name: The name of the Account.
  • Source (Account only): The data source for the Account.
  • First Name (Person only): The first name of the person.
  • Last Name (Person only): The last name of the person.
  • Title (Person only): The job title of the person.
  • Lead or Contact? (Person only): The Salesforce record type for the person.
  • Email (Person only): The email address of the person.
  • Status (Person only): The Lead or Contact Status of the person.
  • Industry (Account only): The industry of the Account.
  • Employees (Account only): The number of employees at the Account.
  • Billing State/Province (Account only): The billing location for the Account.
  • Days in Journey Stage (Account only): The number of days the Account has been in its current Journey Stage.
  • Pipeline Predict Score (Account only): The Account’s Pipeline Predict Score.
  • Qualification Score (Account only): The Account’s Qualification Score.
  • Engagement Minutes (3mo.): The Account or person’s Engagement Minutes in the last three months.

Action Status

The Action Status sub-tab shows the following information for syncing qualified accounts or people to a Destination:

  • Start Time: The date and time the sync started.
  • Operation: The sync operation taken on qualified accounts or people. Operations include Add or Remove.
  • Name (Person only): The first and last name of the person synced to the Destination.
  • Email (Person only): The email address of the person synced to the Destination.
  • Account: The name of the Account synced to the Destination.
  • Destination: The platform the accounts or people were synced to. For example, LinkedIn or HubSpot.
  • Destination Detail: The name you entered for the Destination.
  • Status: The status of the sync operation. Statuses include Succeeded or Failed.
  • Status Detail: Details about the sync operation’s status. Details include Succeeded or Failed with error messages provided for failures.

Job Status

The Job Status sub-tab shows the following information for the syncs that have occurred for an Audience:

  • Executed Time: The date and time the Audience synced.
  • Destination: The platform the accounts or people were synced to. For example, LinkedIn or HubSpot.
  • Destination Detail: The name you entered for the Destination the accounts or people were synced to.
  • Last Updated By: The Demandbase user that last updated the Audience.
  • Selector Count: The number of accounts or people that qualified for the Audience based on the Selector criteria.
  • Members Added: The number of accounts or people added to the Destination during the sync.
  • Members Removed: The number of accounts or people removed from the Destination during the sync.
  • Status: The status of the sync. Statuses include Success, Partial Failure, or Failed.
    Note: The Skipped icon Automation_Status_Skipped_.png indicates accounts or people that qualified for the Automation were skipped during the sync.
  • Status Details: Details about the sync status. For example All succeeded, No change, No members selected, or Refresh token expired.


You must have Admin privileges or be assigned to a permission set with the required access to use Orchestration.

You must have the Demandbase Orchestration or Advertising solution to create more than three Audiences.

You have created an Audience, added a Destination, and completed a sync.


  1. From the left navigation bar, go to Orchestration_N.png Orchestration > Audiences.
  2. Click the name of an Audience and click the History tab.
  3. Select the sub-tab with the information you want to see.
  4. (Optional) Click Edit Columns to add, remove, or reorder columns.
  5. (Optional) Click Export to export the list in CSV format.


Review the members, sync operation history, and sync history for the Audience.

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