View Activity Locations

  • Updated


Demandbase records the physical location around the world where digital activities, such as web page visits, take place. In addition, for activities imported from a marketing automation system (MAS) or CRM, Demandbase provides physical location information based on the address of the person who performed the activity.

When analyzing account engagement, it can be enlightening to view location information for the various engagement activities. This is particularly true for activities that are associated with a company that has multiple offices across the country or around the world. Knowing the specific locations from which engagement occurred can help marketers and sellers determine the best course of action when following up with an account.

Depending on how sales and marketing responsibilities are organized, knowledge of which locations have exhibited the most engagement can impact who will follow up; how they will follow up; and with whom they will follow up and whether by direct sales interaction or inclusion in marketing campaigns.


The following prerequisites are typically taken care of when you set up Demandbase with your account team. Here is information about them, if you still have questions:

To learn more about geolocation data, see Understanding Geographic Data in Demandbase.


  1. From the left navigation bar, go to Analytics2.png Analytics > Engagement and select an account or account list.

  2. (Optional) If you want to view only activities of a particular type, such as web page visits, create a filter to narrow down the activity type.
    a. At the top right, click More Filters. The More Filter window opens.
    b. Select the Advanced sub-tab and click the plus icon to add a new filter.
    More Filters window 2.png
    c. In the Select field… box, select Activities Demandbase_Field_Type.png > Type.
    d. Click in the Select… box and search for Page Visits (Anonymous) (or another activity).
    Page Visits Filter 2.png
    e. Click Apply Filter at the bottom right of the window.

  3. Create a custom Heatmap view.
    a. Scroll down to the Heatmap section and click Custom.
    b. For Rows, select AccountIcon.png Name. Choose a Name option that’s an Account object type AccountIcon.png. It can come from Salesforce SalesforceIcon.png, a CSV Import CSVIcon.png, or a Merged source MergeIcon.png.
    c. For Columns, select ActivitiesIcon.pngDemandbase_Field_Type.png Country or another geographic activity field, such as Global Region, Location, or Census Division. Choose a field that’s an Activity object type ActivitiesIcon.png  from a Demandbase source Demandbase_Field_Type.png, (See the full full list of available fields below.)
    Heatmap Custom 2.png

  4. Add location fields to the table.
    a. Scroll down to the table and select the Activities tab.
    b. Click Edit Columns at the bottom left of the table. The Edit Columns Fields to Display window opens.
    c. From the drop-down list, select one or more location fields, such as ActivitiesIcon.png Demandbase_Field_Type.png Location, Global Region, Country, Country Code. (See the full list of available fields below.)
    Edit Columns window 2.png
    To remove any columns/fields, click the minus sign MinusSIgn.png on the right. To reorder them, grab the drag icon and move each field.
    Reorder Columns 2.png


Following these steps gives you two forms of insight into geographic location of activities captured by Demandbase: 

  • The heatmap visualization summarizes the aggregate level of engagement in each location for each account.
    Heatmap 2.png
  • The table provides detailed location information about each engagement activity.
    Table 2.png

Important: For the Location field: If the city is not known, we display state, province, or other national region; if the national region is not known, we display country. Location is not aggregated. It represents the number of visitors for a specific location by the most specific name available. For example, you may see three separate entries for, “Saint Paul, Minnesota,” “Minnesota,” and “United States.” These represent three specific locations within the United States, each with the most specific identification available.  

Next Steps

To export the detailed data from the table in CSV format for further analysis, click Export. You can then import it into in Excel, Tableau, or similar spreadsheet or data analysis software.

As a follow-up analysis, consider setting up a report that will periodically alert you or your colleagues about engagement from a specific geographic area of interest. Learn how to do so in the article, Create Reports on Activities from a Particular Geographic Area.

Activity Geolocation Fields

The following fields are available for web page visits recorded by the Demandbase web tracking tag.

Field Name  Example Values


Woodstock, Georgia
Naples, Italy
Lehi, Utah

Global Region





United States

Country Code

Two-letter ISO abbreviation for the country:


Census Region

US only:


Census Division

US only:

New England
South Atlantic


State, province, or other national region:

New Jersey

State Code

Two-letter code for state, province, or other national region:




Postal Code







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