Manage Auto-Archived Account, People, and Opportunity Lists

  • Updated


In Demandbase, unused account, person, and opportunity lists are automatically archived. Auto-archiving lists allows you to streamline list organization, reduce user confusion, and enhance marketing and sales efficiency.

You can unarchive lists at any time. When you unarchive a list, Demandbase dynamically populates all historical data.

By default, lists are automatically archived if they meet the following requirements:

  • List hasn’t been accessed in the last six months.
  • List is part of an expired ad campaign that hasn't been reactivated in the last six months.

Demandbase uses at the following fields to auto-archive lists:

Field Description
Last Accessed Date

Last date the list was viewed or used by a user, or queried by Demandbase. 

Ad Campaign Expiration Date

Date the ad campaign expired.

Lists queried by Demandbase in the following features are not archived:



You must have Admin privileges or be assigned to a permission set with the required Demandbase settings access.

Steps: Edit the Default Auto-Archive Timeframe

  1. From the left navigation bar, go to Settings N.png Settings > Company Settings.
  2. Scroll down to the Auto-Archiving Lists section.
  3. Click the timeframe drop-down and choose the desired expiration timeframe.

Steps: Unarchive Lists

  1. From the left navigation bar, go to Database N.png Database > Account Lists, Person Lists, or Opportunity Lists.
  2. Click the top right three dots and click Archived Lists.
  3. Select the checkboxes next to the lists you want to unarchive.
  4. Click Activate.
  5. In the confirmation pop-up, select the checkbox next to the list and click Activate.


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