The Influence tab on the Campaigns dashboard shows the potential positive effects that the selected campaigns might have had on your pipeline and revenue for reached accounts.
You can view Influence metrics by accounts or domains. At the top right of the chart, go to the View by: toggle and click Accounts or Domains. See Domains Tab for an overview of how data differs between accounts and domains.
- For disconnected and hybrid (marketing automation system only) customers, we highly recommend you upload opportunities to fully utilize the Influence chart. Without opportunity data, you can only see the Reached, Visited, and Interacted stages.
- The Saved filters drop-down list is unavailable in the Influence tab.
Reached Accounts or Domains
Next to Viewing: you can see the total number of reached accounts or domains during the selected date range.
Important: To adjust the accounts and domains reached by a campaign during a specific date range, use the primary date range selector at the top right of the page. To see the accounts or domains reached during the entire lifetime of the campaigns, click Select entire campaign reach period.
Influenced Date Selector
The Influenced date selector allows you to select a date range for the Visited, interacted, Opportunity, and Won data in the Influence chart.
Important: The Influenced date selector doesn’t change the set of reached accounts and domains for the selected campaigns. To adjust the dates used for determining reached accounts and domains, use the primary date range selector at the top right of the page.
For example, you might want to see if accounts advertised to in Q1 turned into a pipeline opportunity in Q2. Set the date range in the primary date range selector (at the top right of the page) to Q1 and set the Influenced end date to the end of Q2. This shows you accounts that were reached in Q1 and if they had an open or won opportunity in Q2.
Compare Lists
You can see how selected campaigns are performing by comparing against another account list. We recommend you compare against account lists that were not reached by Demandbase Advertising. Click + compare another list and enter the name of an account list to select it.
- Percent Comparison shows the % difference in the total number of accounts or domains between the two lists.
- To remove the list you’re comparing, go to the Compare to box and click the x next to the list.
- The compared list is represented by a gray bar on the Influence KPI cards and Influence chart.
Influence KPI Cards
The Influence KPI cards summarize information about opportunities related to the accounts or domains in your campaigns.
Influence KPI Card | Definition |
Average Deal Size | Average revenue of won opportunities in the Won stage in the Influence chart. |
Revenue | Total revenue of won opportunities in the Won stage in the Influence chart. |
Pipeline | Total pipeline amount of created opportunities in the Opportunity stage in the Influence chart. |
Opportunity to Won | For reached accounts that moved into the Won stage during the influence date range, average number of days between opportunity created date and won date. |
Influence Chart
The Influence chart shows the number of accounts or domains in each campaign engagement stage prior to and after campaign reach. In each stage, accounts or domains are divided into two bar chart colors. Light green represents accounts or domains also in that stage prior to campaign reach and Dark green represents accounts or domains in that stage after campaign reach. See Influence Chart Stage Definitions for in-depth descriptions of the bar chart colors.
- Hover over each section of the bar to see the detailed number of accounts or domains.
- Click on a campaign influence stage to see related accounts and domains in the Domains table.
Influence Chart Stage Definitions
The following are the definitions for the stages in the Influence chart.
Influence Stage | Stage Definition | Percentage Definition | Light Green Bar Definition | Dark Green Bar Definition |
Reached | Number of accounts or domains that received at least one ad impression. | Number of accounts or domains in the Reached stage divided by the total number of reached accounts or domains. | Accounts or domains that were also reached by a campaign within 30 days prior to the campaign impression. | Accounts or domains that are newly reached by the first campaign impression. |
Visited | Number of accounts or domains that visited your website. | Number of accounts or domains in the Visited stage divided by the total number of reached accounts or domains. | Accounts or domains that also had a page visit within 30 days prior to the campaign impression. | Accounts or domains that had a new page visit after the campaign impression. |
Interacted |
Number of accounts that qualified as interacted. Hover over Interacted to see how your Admin defined this metric. Important: Admins can define the Interacted metric. See Define the Interacted Metric in Campaigns Dashboard for instructions. |
Number of accounts of domains in the Interacted stage divided by the total number of reached accounts or domains. | Accounts or domains that also interacted within 30 days prior to the campaign impression. |
Accounts or domains newly interacted after the campaign impression. |
Opportunity | Number of accounts or domains with open opportunities. | Number of accounts or domains with pipeline opportunity divided by the total number of reached accounts or domains. |
Accounts or domains that also had an opportunity within the selected date range and prior to the campaign impression. |
Accounts or domains with opportunities created after the campaign impression. |
Won | Number of accounts or domains with won opportunities. | Number of accounts or domains with won opportunities divided by the total number of reached accounts or domains. |
Accounts or domains that also had a won opportunity within the selected date range and prior to the campaign impression. | Accounts or domains that had newly won opportunities after the campaign impression. |
Opportunities Table
The Opportunities table shows a list of the opportunities included in the Opportunity and Won stages of the Influence chart. It includes the following details:
- Opportunity name
- Domain and account name
- Opportunity value
- Opportunity type
- Open and closed dates
- Demandbase calculates the opportunity value based on your selection in the Opportunity Configuration section of the Company Settings page. See Understanding Company Settings for Journeys and Opportunities.
- Due to synchronization times in Demandbase, the details for an opportunity, such as its value, might differ from those shown for the same opportunity in the Database section.
You’ll find the table below the Influence chart. Access it by clicking See details.
By default, the table lists all the open, closed-lost, and closed-won opportunities included in the Opportunity stage. To show only closed-won opportunities, click the Won stage in the Influence chart as shown in the screenshot below.
From the table, you can do the following:
- Click the magnifying glass icon to search for opportunities.
- Click Export to export the list of opportunities to a CSV file. The export file includes additional columns indicating the closed and won statuses for the opportunities.
The table helps you review the opportunities that contribute to the amounts shown in the following Influence KPI cards:
- Revenue: The total in the KPI card equals the sum of all values in the Opportunities table with the Won stage selected in the Influence chart.
- Pipeline: The total in the KPI card equals the sum of all values in the Opportunities table with the Opportunity stage selected in the Influence chart.