People-based advertising sharpens the focus of your ad campaigns by prioritizing people at the accounts based on people attributes. If a person matches one or more of the attributes you selected, the Demandbase DSP prioritizes the impression to them. See Campaign Builder Step 4: Strategy for information about adding people-based attributes.
People-based advertising supports a flexible “mix and match” approach to targeting. You can select multiple attributes (including attributes in the same category) and all attributes are weighted equally.
You can select one or more of the following attributes:
- Contacts you already know (also referred to as Known People)
- Job level and/or job function to prioritize and exclude
Once you launch the campaign, the Campaigns dashboard table shows ad engagement metrics specifically for accounts with the people you targeted. See Analyze People-Based Advertising Campaign Results for how to view reports for people-based advertising campaigns.
- You cannot change the Contacts you already know (person list) after publishing a campaign.
All people-based targeting attributes are optional when building a campaign.
Targeting Known People
You can prioritize campaign spend on known people from your CRM, Marketing Automation System, and CSV import. You must first create a Person List in Demandbase before you can use the list as an attribute. See Best Practices for Creating Known Person Lists for Ad Targeting.
We recommend creating a separate Person List for each campaign that uses known people. While the Person List can’t be changed or removed after a campaign is published, you can change the selector criteria for the list at any time. By having a separate Person List for each campaign, you can change the criteria of the list without impacting other campaigns.
Important: Known people require the person’s email address.
Targeting by Job Level and Job Function
You can prioritize and/or exclude people using one or more job levels and/or job functions.
If you make multiple selections, Demandbase prioritizes or excludes all people that match any combination of the selected job levels and job functions. This targeted approach is more focused than using individual job levels or job functions since the person must qualify for both values.
Important: You can prioritize or exclude up to five job level and job function combinations.
Demandbase leverages our Sales Intelligence data to determine if people associated with accounts match the targeted job levels or job functions. See Reference: Job Level and Job Function Categorization for more information.
Tip: Job level and job function data can be viewed from the Campaign Performance page even if you don't select it as an attribute.