Account Domain Report

  • Updated


The Account Domain Report helps you to match leads to the correct accounts. While the lead-to-account matching algorithm usually matches leads to the correct domain of record, errors can occasionally occur in the process. You can use the Account Domain Report to view, add, and exclude the domains associated with accounts. This ensures that leads are matched to the intended account.

See Understanding Lead to Account Matching.


You must have Admin privileges or be assigned to a permission set with the required Demandbase settings access.

How to Read the Account Domain Report

From the left navigation bar, go to  Settings_icon_cogwheel.png Settings > Lead Matching > Account Domain Report.

By default, the Account Domain Report displays the following table columns: 

  • Account Name: Name of account in your Demandbase, CRM, or CSV records. You may see multiple records with the same Account Name if they have different domains. 
  • Domain: The domain matched to one or more leads for the account.
  • Domain Match Description: The source or reason for the domain match. 
  • Domain is Enabled: The color of the check mark indicates the following:
    • Gray check mark: No domains are associated with the account. 
    • Green check mark: A valid domain is associated with the account.

Important: Blank fields indicate that the system matched Leads to Accounts using the account domain in the database.


Tip: To see all variations of account names, group the accounts into an account list. You can enter or select an account list at the top right of the page.


Steps: Assign Domains to Accounts

  1. From the left navigation bar, go to Settings_icon_cogwheel.png Settings  > Lead Matching > Account Domain Report.
  2. Select the account you want to assign a domain.
  3. From the Include Domain drop-down list, click Add Domain.
  4. In the Bulk Action Confirmation window, enter the domain and click Add.

Steps: Exclude Domains from Accounts

  1. From the left navigation bar, go to Settings_icon_cogwheel.png Settings > Lead Matching > Account Domain Report.
  2. Select the domains you want to exclude from an account. 
  3. From the Include Domain drop-down list, click Exclude Domain. 
  4. In the Bulk Action Confirmation window, click OK. 

Steps: Undo Excluded Domains from Accounts

  1. From the left navigation bar, go to Settings_icon_cogwheel.png Settings > Lead Matching > Account Domain Report.
  2. Select the domains you want to re-assign to an account.
  3. Click Include Domain.
  4. In the Bulk Action Confirmation window, click OK. 

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