Set Up Intent for TrustRadius Integration

  • Updated


The Demandbase and TrustRadius partnership allows Demandbase to ingest TrustRadius product review intent directly into the platform. You can use TrustRadius intent to power marketing and sales growth at every stage of the account journey.

TrustRadius intent is synced on a nightly basis and can be used in various areas in Demandbase such as:

  • Account lists, filters, reports, and segments.
  • Intent engagement minutes.
  • Journey stages.
  • Predictive scores.
    Tip: We recommend waiting at least a month after integration to retrain your predictive scores.
  • Advertising campaigns.
  • Marketing campaigns, such as nurtures, personalized websites, and conversational marketing experiences.

Important: Intent data is matched to accounts in Demandbase using the account domain.

TrustRadius Intent Types

TrustRadius intent is available in the following categories:

Intent Type Description Example
Licensed Product: Intent signal for your product. Licensed Product : Account-Based Marketing (ABM) : Intent Data : Viewed a comparison of Sales Intelligence vs Demandbase
Competitor: Intent signal for your competitors. Competitor : Account-Based Marketing (ABM) : Viewed a comparison of Sales Intelligence Platform

Intent signal for a product that is in the same market as your product.

Category : Account-Based Marketing (ABM) : Viewed the Account-Based Marketing (ABM) category


You must have a license with TrustRadius.

You must have Admin privileges in Demandbase.

Steps: Integrate with TrustRadius

  1. Log in to the TrustRadius Vendor Portal.
  2. Click the gear icon at the top right of the header to go to the Settings page.
  3. On the left panel of the page, click Integrations > API Key.
  4. Next to your API key, click Copy to Clipboard.  
  5. Log in to Demandbase.
  6. From the left navigation bar, go to Settings_icon_cogwheel.png Settings > Integrated Systems > Integrations.
  7. Click Create Data Source and choose TrustRadius.
  8. In the API Key box, paste the TrustRadius key you copied from step 4.
  9. Click Save.
    Important: It can take up to 24 hours for TrustRadius intent to sync into Demandbase.


Use TrustRadius Intent as Selectors

  1. In the selector module, click the Advanced tab. 
  2. Add the Intent Surge activity selector. 
  3. Click the arrow next to Add constraints and choose the constraints you want to use:
    • Activity Date: Date the intent data came into Demandbase. 
    • Intent Topic: Name of TrustRadius intent. See TrustRadius Intent Types for examples.
      To use all intent, remove the Intent Topic constraint. 
    • Source: Set operator as Equals and value drop-down as TrustRadius.
  4. (Optional) To use geolocation, add the Engagement activity selector. Click the arrow next to Add constraints and choose the geolocations you want to focus on.
  5. Click Save

Configure Engagement Minutes Using TrustRadius Intent 

  1. From the left navigation bar, go to Settings_N.png Settings > Integrated Systems > Integrations.
  2. In the Choose Category drop-down, choose Intent Activities. 
  3. Under the 3rd Party Intent Surge section, set the Any Value drop-down to Intent Surge.
  4. In the Operator drop-down, choose an operator.  
  5. In the Enter Criteria field, enter the name of a TrustRadius intent. See TrustRadius Intent Types for examples.
  6. (Optional) To use geolocation Intent, scroll down to the 3rd Party Geo Intent Activity section, and set Any Value drop-down to Intent Surge. Choose an operator, name of TrustRadius intent, and geolocations you want to focus on. See Set Up and Use Demandbase Intent by Geolocation
  7. In the Minutes field, enter a number above zero.
    We recommend using a decimal value between 0 and 1 for Intent Engagement Minutes.
  8. Click Save at the top right.

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