Reference: Non-Personalized Ad Specifications

  • Updated

Demandbase provides various options for designing display, video, and native ads. Demandbase Advertising supports assets of various file types and media.

The requirements for submitting assets and files to generate non-personalized ads are provided below.

Tip: We facilitate personalized ads for customers who have this feature supported as part of their Demandbase license terms or additional purchased entitlement. See Reference: Personalized Ad Specifications for requirements to submit personalized ads. Contact your Customer Success Manager (CSM) for more information.

Display Advertising

Demandbase can support non-personalized static or HTML creatives for your display ads. The following table identifies the assets that you must submit for display ads.

Asset Description Specifications Requirements
Landing page URL The page that has the content that you want to share. Ensure you enter a secure URL that starts with https. The best practice is to add UTM parameters. For example, utm_source=demandbase
Static display ads Static display creatives include JPEG, PNG, and GIF files.

Supported ad dimension sizes:

  • 300 x 250
  • 160 x 600
  • 728 x 90
  • 300 x 600
  • 970 x 250
  • 320 x 50
  • 300 x 50
The dimensions of the file have to be the exact size. 2x resolution files cannot be uploaded.
Animated HTML display ads

HTML display creatives require all animated files associated with your banner to be packaged as a zip file. 

Create one zip file for each size containing the HTML and any of the following file types as necessary for correct display: CSS, JS, GIF, PNG, JPG, JPEG, and SVG.

Supported ad dimension sizes:

  • 300 x 250
  • 160 x 600
  • 728 x 90
  • 300 x 600
  • 970 x 250
  • 320 x 50
  • 300 x 50


  • Maximum animation length: 15 seconds, after which it must remain static
  • Zipped file size limit is 500 KB per size
  • The ad must be viewable and clickable without a network connection
  • Must be 100% SSL compliant with DSPs
  • ZIP archive folder name must include the creative size
  • Must use at least a 1-pixel border in any color other than white

Demandbase can also provide a paid service to create non-personalized HTML ads using your design files. The design files you provide must meet the following specifications.

Supported file types: We can work with most layered design file types, including Photoshop, Illustrator, XD, Sketch, Figma, and InDesign. Note that we don’t accept After Effects or video files for ad layouts.

Layout: Provide the sizes for each ad that you request.

Supported ad dimension sizes (your submission doesn’t need to include all these sizes):

  • 300 x 250
  • 160 x 600
  • 728 x 90
  • 300 x 600
  • 970 x 250
  • 320 x 50
  • 300 x 50

Web Video and Connected TV Advertising

Demandbase can support non-personalized web video and connected TV (CTV) ads in your campaign. These impressions appear as pre-roll video ads in a browser or as ads for CTV providers such as Hulu, Tubi, and PlutoTV. In addition to reporting on impressions and clicks (web video ads only), we can show you the quartile percentages of how much of each video playback a viewer watched—25, 50, 75, or 100 percent. 

The following table explains the details of how you should submit video ad assets and how they are displayed.

Asset Description Specifications Requirements
Landing page URL (web video ads only)

The page that has the content that you want to share.

Ensure you enter a secure URL that starts with https.

The best practice is to add UTM parameters. For example, utm_source=demandbase
Web video ads

The ad appears as a pre-roll video.

The recommended video length is either 15 or 30 seconds. These video lengths work best with the inventory of ad time slots available.

Acceptable trafficking file types:

  • MP4
  • MOV
  • FLV
  • VAST tags are also acceptable

Aspect Ratio:

  • 16:9
  • 4:3

Acceptable Sizes:

  • 480 x 360
  • 720 x 540
  • 960 x 720
  • 854 x 480
  • 1280 x 720 
  • 1920 x 1080
  • Maximum video length is 30 seconds
  • Maximum video size is 200 MB
  • Video must be designed to allow viewer to skip or pause the playback
  • Video creative must include an audio track
  • Sound must be muted by default
  • To convert video files such as MP4 to a VAST tag, you usually need access to the third-party ad serving platform, such as Google DoubleClick Campaign Manager (DCM)
CTV ads

The ad appears in applications for CTV providers.

The video length must be either 15 or 30 seconds. You cannot select CTV assets for campaigns that are not exactly 15 or 30 seconds.

Acceptable file types:

  • VAST 2.0 and higher
  • MOV
  • MP4

Aspect ratio:

  • 16:9
  • 4:3

3:2 is not acceptable

Acceptable sizes:

  • 1280 x 720
  • 1920 x 1080
  • Video length must be either 15 or 30 seconds
  • Video bitrate must be between 15-30 Mbps (CBR)
  • For HD variable bitrate video transcoding, 400-20,000 kbps offers the widest range of supported bit rates, maximizing match rates with bid requests
  • For HD constant bitrate video transcoding, 20,000 kbps is required for Hulu and Peacock inventory
  • Video frame rates must be 23.98, 25, or 29.97
  • Video format must be Mpeg-4 (.mp4)
  • Video color space must be  4:2:2
  • Maximum audio bitrate is 192 kbps
  • Audio sample rate must be 48 kHz
  • Audio codec is H.264

Native Content Advertising

Native content ads are online ads that match the look and feel of web publisher content. They appear as part of the typical browsing experience and engage the viewer with relevant ads that flow into the surrounding content, allowing you to display ads that are seamless with the online publisher’s content.

The following table identifies the assets that you must submit for native content.

Asset Description Specifications Requirements
Landing Page URL The page that has the content that you want to share Ensure you enter a secure URL that starts with https. The best practice is to add UTM parameters. For example, utm_source=demandbase
Ad File Display and Assets

The native content ad requires the following elements:

  • Text headline
  • Caption and/or body of text
  • Image
  • Call to action (text to encourage the user to take action)
  • Advertiser name (how you want your company name to appear as the source of the ad)
  • Company logo

Image sizes:

  • Main image: 1200 x 627 pixels, maximum of 1200 KB
  • Company logo: 128 x 128 pixels

The main image must not contain any text or branding.

  • Text headline:
    25 characters maximum
  • Caption and/or body of text: 90 characters maximum
  • Call to action (CTA) text to encourage the user to take action is a requirement: 15 characters maximum
  • Advertiser name:
    25 characters maximum

Important: Space counts as a character.


Restrictions on Ad Submissions

Note the following restrictions apply to all banner ads that Demandbase Advertising publishes.

  • Use HTTPS, not HTTP. Ensure that your tracking server uses the HTTPS protocol, and that any internal redirects you’ve set up at your end use HTTPS.
  • No unapproved tracking or data collection pixels may be included in any ad creative without approval from Demandbase, prior to the Insertion Order.
  • No fourth-party pixels allowed in the ad tags, including Rubicon, Marketo, BlueKai, and Xaxis. DoubleVerify and IAS pixels are allowed to be used as monitoring pixels. Due to ad exchange and publisher regulations, we don’t allow data collection via the ad tags. If you add fourth-party pixels at launch or anytime during the ad campaign, we’ll discontinue the creative and the campaign will be paused. This is strictly enforced by the ad exchanges.
  • No one-page redirects. Any redirect mechanism that uses an on-page method, like a JavaScript redirect, won’t work. If you use any such redirection mechanisms in your tracking redirect chain, you must change these mechanisms.

Published Ad and AdChoices

The AdChoices icon link appears in the top right of your published ad. The AdChoices link provides consumers with information and choices about how and when advertisers collect and use data to serve ads targeted to them based on their likely interests. For more information, see the documentation at

Ad Choices.png

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