Demandbase integrates with Microsoft Exchange or Office 365 to:
- Record account activity (inbound emails and calendar events) to help prioritize which customers are most engaged.
- Give Demandbase users visibility into all communications with key accounts.
Sync Details
The following flowchart shows how Demandbase syncs with Microsoft Exchange or Office 365.
Email Credentials
Users can connect their Microsoft Exchange or Office 365 account to Demandbase. Demandbase uses Microsoft Exchange Web Services to access email and calendar events. For more information, see Connect Microsoft Email to Demandbase.
If you need to verify or troubleshoot your connection, see the Steps to Verify the Demandbase Can Sync section in this article.
Since email and calendar data can contain sensitive information, Demandbase provides administrative controls to Blacklist users and accounts, enable and disable Email body display, and Auto-lock executive email.
Auto-locking allows Admins to specify the email addresses of internal users whose email communications should not display the body of the email in Communication History.
Internally at Demandbase, we enable Auto-lock for our CEO, CTO, VP of Sales, and VP of Customer Success.
Demandbase Analytics streamlines account-based reporting to gather insight on daily activity from your target accounts. A key element of engagement is what is captured within your email client. After connecting Demandbase to your email client, the system collects email history from the last six months. You can also assign engagement minutes to emails received from Accounts and meetings with people from key Accounts.
Communication History
Users can access an account's Communication History from Demandbase or the Demandbase for Sales browser extension. The Communication History is a log of all emails and meetings between your company and a target account.
This is helpful to align relevant account stakeholders such as sales, customer success, and marketing to better understand all of the interactions with your target accounts.
To see an account's Communication History in Demandbase, from the left navigation bar, go to Analytics, select the Account from the drop-down list, and select Communication History.