Integrate LinkedIn with Demandbase

  • Updated


Before you can use Audience Management with LinkedIn, you must first set up the integration.


You must have Admin privileges in Demandbase.


  1. From the left navigation bar, go to Settings_N.png Settings > Integrated Systems > Integration.
  2. Click Create Data Source and select Linkedin.
  3. Click Login with LinkedIn.
  4. Enter your LinkedIn credentials and click Sign in.
  5. Click Allow after reviewing the level of permission Demandbase needs for the integration.
  6. Select the LinkedIn Ad Accounts you want Demandbase to be able to access from the drop-down list and click Create. Accounts that you have access to without sufficient permissions for using the integration appear as non-selectable options.


You can now add LinkedIn as a Destination for your Audiences. The LinkedIn access token generated for the integration remains valid for one year. If you're notified that your access token is about to expire, you'll need to reauthenticate with LinkedIn.

When reauthenticating an ad account for LinkedIn, you need to reselect the ad account to complete the process. If you're unable to reselect the ad account, see Troubleshooting: Unable to Select LinkedIn Ad Account During Reauthentication.

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