Step 5: Add the Demandbase One for Sales iFrame in Salesforce

  • Updated


Our Visualforce iFrame feature brings Demandbase insights directly within your Salesforce. The iFrame includes Demandbase Account Highlights, Intent Trends, Engagement Timeline, Activities, Heatmap, and Communication History.

The Demandbase One for Sales (formerly Sales Intelligence) iFrame can be added to the Account, Opportunity, and Contact objects.

You can install the iFrame and add Demandbase to the Trusted URLs list in Salesforce Lightning or Classic.

See Understanding the Demandbase One for Sales iFrame in Salesforce for more information. 


Steps: Salesforce Lightning

  1. Log in to Salesforce as an Admin user. 
  2. Go to any Account record. Click the Gear icon at the top right of the page and select Edit Page from the drop-down.
  3. Scroll down on the left navigation to the Custom - Managed section. 
  4. Drag DemandbaseTabs onto the page layout as desired. 
  5. Click Save
  6. (Optional) For optimal visibility, adjust the sizing of the iFrame:
    • Click the Gear icon at the top right of the page and select Edit Object from the drop-down.
    • Click on Page Layouts and choose the desired page layout. 
    • Click the wrench at the top right of the DemandbaseTabs module.
    • Change the height to 600-800 pixels.
    • Click Save.
  7. (Optional) To add the iFrame to the Opportunity and Contact object, add the DemandbaseTabs_Opp tab to the Opportunity and Contact page layouts.

Steps: Salesforce Classic

  1. Log in to Salesforce as an Admin user. 
  2. Go to any Account record. Click Edit Layout at the top right of the page.
  3. Go to VisualForce Pages.
  4. Drag DemandbaseTabs onto the page layout as desired. 
  5. (Optional) For optimal visibility, adjust the sizing of the iFrame:
    • Click the wrench at the top right of the DemandbaseTabs module.
    • Change the height to 500-600 pixels.
    • Click Save.
  6. (Optional) To add the iFrame to the Opportunity and Contact object, add the DemandbaseTabs_Opp tab to the Opportunity page layout and the DemandbaseTabs_Contact tab to the Contact page layout.

Steps: Add Demandbase to the Trusted URL List in Salesforce

  1. See Salesforce’s instructions on how to Add or Edit a Trusted URL.
  2. Scroll down to Trusted URL Information and enter the following:
    • API Name: Enter a name that helps you identify Demandbase. For example, Demandbase.
    • URL:
    • Description: Add a description that helps you identify Demandbase.
    • Active: Select the Active checkbox.
  3. Scroll down to Content Security Policy (CSP) Settings and select the following:
    • CSP Context: From the drop down, choose the desired context. Unless you have specific restrictions, we recommend you select All.
    • CSP Directives: Select the checkbox for frame-src (iframe content).
  4. Click Save.
    Trusted URL SFDC.png


You can see the Demandbase One for Sales iFrame in your Salesforce page layouts. 
Important: The iFrame view differs by license type. If you’re unsure about your license type, contact your CSM for more information. 



If you see a blank iFrame, you may need to review your browser settings. Cross-site cookies are required to display the information. 

See Configure Web Browser Settings.

Next Steps

See Step 6: (Optional) Add Demandbase as a Tab in Salesforce

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