Understanding the Trends Tab on the Campaigns Dashboard

  • Updated

The Trends tab on the Campaigns dashboard includes an advertising trends graph. The graph lets you monitor in-flight campaigns so you can make adjustments that optimize your ad spend. For the selected date range and campaigns, you can view the following campaign metrics:

  • Impressions
  • Spend
  • Clicks
  • CTR


From the View by: drop-down list, you can choose one of the following options:

  • Aggregated campaigns: Shows a single trend line with data points for all the selected campaigns. 
  • Individual campaigns: Shows separate trend lines and data points for each of the selected campaigns. This option is only available for up to five campaigns.

From the graph, you can also:

  • Change the time period to view daily, weekly, or monthly trends.
  • Hover over the trend line to view the selected metric at a specific point in time.
  • Export a CSV file that includes all four metrics for the selected campaigns.

Graph options.png

Single Campaign Trends Graph

On the campaign details page, the trends graph only shows metrics for that individual campaign. To view the graph for an individual campaign, click its name in the Campaigns table and go to the Trends tab.

Single campaign view.png

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