The Buying Groups tab at the bottom of the Campaigns dashboard shows the performance of advertising campaigns targeting one or more buying groups. From this tab you can view the following metrics for a selected campaign:
- Domain name
- Domain
- Buying groups
- Impressions
- Clicks
You must have access to Demandbase ABX to create buying groups and Demandbase Advertising to use buying group targeting in campaigns.
You must define a buying group and select it when completing Step 4 of the Campaign Builder.
- From the left navigation bar, go to
Advertising to access the Campaigns dashboard.
- In the Campaigns table, click the name of a campaign.
- On the Campaigns Details page, scroll down to the bottom and click the Buying Groups tab.
Tip: The tab is only available for campaigns with buying group targeting selected. - View the performance metrics for the campaign.
Tip: If the campaign targets more than one buying group, you can filter the table to see metrics for each one.