Important: The availability of some features described in this article depends on your version of Demandbase One.
The Lead Matching Report allows you to see lead to account match results, convert leads to contacts, retry matching leads to an account, and retry writing back the "Matched Account" field to the Lead records in your Salesforce.
Important: The “Matched Account” field write-back feature is only available for Salesforce.
The report can also show the impact of specific events (for example, ad campaigns or in-person meetups) on lead conversion. Spikes in lead matching on particular dates may highlight the influence of these events, offering valuable insights to optimize marketing strategies.
The following requirements must be met for a lead to match to an account:
The account must exist in Demandbase, CRM, or CSV import.
Tip: To create an account, create the account in your CRM or import the account via CSV. - The account must belong to an account list.
- The user syncing Demandbase with CRM or MAS must have access (visibility) to that lead.
See Understanding Lead to Account Matching for more information.
Match Results and Rate
To access the Lead Matching Report, from the left navigation bar, go to Settings > Lead Matching > Lead Matching Report.
Match results are based on leads that were created within the top selected date range. All features on the page automatically update to reflect the selected date range.
You can also apply a lead or account filter at the top right of the page. For example, you can see which qualified leads matched to accounts.
Overview Cards
The overview cards show the following match result information:
- Matched Leads: Number of leads successfully matched with an account.
- Unmatched Leads: Number of leads that didn’t match with an account.
Lead to contact conversion: Number of leads that were converted to a contact record in your Salesforce.
Important: The “Lead to contact conversion” feature is only available for Salesforce.
Lead to Account Matching Graph
The graph shows the number and percentage of total leads, matched leads, and unmatched leads during the selected date range.
To see lead matching results for a specific date, hover over the date on the graph.
You can also control the level of granularity for the selected date range by zooming in or out on the graph using your mouse scroll.
Table in Lead Matching Report
The table in the Lead Matching Report shows information about your leads. From the table, you can take action with leads, filter by match and sync status, export lead data, and edit columns.
Take Action with Leads
You can take action with leads. Click the checkbox next to the leads to take the following actions:
- Retry Match: Retry matching leads to see if they match with a different set of accounts than they initially did. Each retry uses the same lead-to-account matching algorithm, so clicking multiple times won’t change the results.
Convert to Contact: Convert selected leads to contacts in your Salesforce. See Set Up Lead to Contact Conversion in Salesforce.
Important: This action is irreversible. - Unmatch: Unmatch selected leads from accounts. This is great for removing junk leads from an account.
- Retry Writeback to CRM: If there was a workflow rule or field validation rule in your Salesforce that caused our write-back to fail, you can retry the write-back to the "Matched Account" field. Reach out to our Support team if you're seeing discrepancies.
Filter by Match Status
You can filter the table using the following match status:
- Matched: Lead successfully matched with an account.
- Unmatched: Lead didn’t match with an account.
Filter by Sync Status
You can filter the table using the following Salesforce write-back status:
- Unsynced: Demandbase didn’t sync “Matched Account” data to the Lead record in your Salesforce.
- Synced: Demandbase successfully synced “Matched Account” data to the Lead record in your Salesforce.
- Converted to Contact: Leads that were converted to contact records in your Salesforce.
Error: Error in the match process.
Important: Demands automatically retries matching the lead in the next sync cycle. The L2A Account Match Notes column shows the error messages from Salesforce when trying to write back data or convert your leads.