Best Practices to Improve Demandbase One Page Load Times

  • Updated

Demandbase One page load times can vary depending on various factors. The following table provides a list of these factors and recommendations to improve performance.

Factor Details Recommendation
Filters applied to Analytics pages Demandbase processes filter criteria in real time which can cause pages to take longer than expected to load.

Use the following alternatives to prefilter pages:

  • Create a Segment using the filter criteria and use the Segment to filter the page.
  • Add the filter criteria to a dynamic account list. You can also reference the account list in another account list using the Member of List Selector.
Custom reports added to the Dashboard page Demandbase calculates the results of the report when displaying the Dashboard page which can cause longer than expected load times. Remove the report from the Dashboard page and create reports for the data you want to view.
Account list size Demandbase needs to process the data for each account in the account list and large account lists result in longer processing times. Use account lists that include 10,000 accounts or less.
Date range length Demandbase requires longer processing times to process data for longer date ranges. Use date ranges that are 90 days or shorter.
Type of fields used in Selectors and columns Demandbase takes more time to read data from Demandbase Calculated Fields and fields created from your CRM or Marketing Automation System. Use standard fields as often as possible. To find these fields, go to the Fields page and select Demandbase from the Source filter at the top of the page.
Tenant data volume Demandbase takes more time to process data for a larger number of accounts, people, and activities. If you integrate with Salesforce, use CRM Ingestion Controls for Salesforce to reduce the number of accounts synced to Demandbase.

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