Who can manage and access all of our workspaces?
Admins can manage and access all workspaces, including the global workspace that provides a global rolled-up view of all workspaces.
Can users be assigned to multiple workspaces?
Yes, users can be assigned to multiple workspaces and switch between them using the top navigation bar. See Understanding Workspace Navigation.
Can I configure multiple Demandbase tags for different workspaces?
No, you can only configure one Demandbase tag.
Can I track multiple websites for different workspaces?
Yes, you can track different websites for each workspace. Apply the Demandbase tag to each website and assign a specific website to the corresponding workspace.
How many CRM integrations can be set up when using workspaces?
You can only set up one CRM integration in the global workspace. Using workspaces doesn’t allow you to set up additional CRM integrations.
Which workspaces can push data to the Demandbase Custom Fields in my CRM?
Demandbase always pushes data from the global workspace to the Demandbase Custom Fields.
Does workspaces support multiple integrations for the same Marketing Automation Systems (MAS)?
No, you cannot have multiple integrations of the same Marketing Automation Systems in workspaces. You can only integrate multiple Marketing Automation Systems if they’re different platforms.
Can an account, person, opportunity, or activity record qualify for multiple workspaces?
Yes, records can be in multiple workspaces if they meet the data rules set up for each workspace.
What happens to records if I change the data rules in an individual workspaces?
Once you publish the new data rules, records are added or removed once the status for the workspace is "Published".
Can I use the Data Import feature in individual workspaces?
No, you can only use the Data Import feature in the global workspace.
Do I see records that don’t meet the data rules in Demandbase standard lists, fields, filters, reports, and segments?
Records that don’t meet the data rules are not included in Demandbase standard lists, fields, filters, reports, and segments in each workspace.
Do I see accounts that don’t meet the data rules in account lists created using the Salesforce and Dynamics Report or View feature?
Accounts that don’t meet the data rules are not included in any account list in each workspace.
Do I see accounts that don’t meet the data rules in Demandbase automatically created account lists?
Accounts that don’t meet the data rules are not included in any account list in each workspace.
Can the Sales Browser Extension be used with workspaces?
Yes, the Sales Browser Extension includes the accounts that meet the data rules defined for each workspace.