Take Action: HubSpot Workflows

  • Updated


The Enroll to HubSpot Workflow and Un-enroll from HubSpot Workflow actions allow you to enroll or unenroll people from HubSpot Workflows directly from Demandbase.

Important: HubSpot prevents actions from being taken on more than 100 people at a time. The limit only applies to the Take Action functionality. If you have the Orchestration solution, you can use Automations without this limitation.



Demandbase HubSpot Integration and active HubSpot Workflows

Steps: Enroll in HubSpot Workflows

  1. Select people to enroll in a Workflow and click Take Action.
  2. In the right Take Action menu, select the Partner tab and click Enroll to HubSpot Workflow.
  3. From the Workflow drop-down list, select the HubSpot Workflow you want people enrolled in.
  4. Click Confirm.

Steps: Unenroll from HubSpot Workflows

  1. Select people to unenroll from a Workflow and click Take Action.
  2. In the right Take Action menu, select the Partner tab and click Un-enroll from HubSpot Workflow.
  3. From the Workflow drop-down list, select the HubSpot Workflow you want people unenrolled from. 
  4. Click Confirm.


Demandbase sends a request to HubSpot to enroll or unenroll the people you selected from the Workflow.

Important: If a person you selected was already added to another Workflow, an error message appears in Action History and a pop-up message warns you that Demandbase was unable to complete the action.

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