Understanding Third-Party Intent in Demandbase One

  • Updated

We provide Demandbase customers the option to integrate with third-party Intent partners such as Bombora, G2, and TrustRadius. These integrations enhance various Intent data signals from accounts in the B2B sphere.

Important: All Demandbase users have access to Demandbase Intent at no extra charge. Demandbase gives you access to the extensive database that powers our AI to create better associations and predictions concerning your prospects’ Intent. See Understanding Demandbase Intent.

Bombora Intent

Bombora provides Intent data collected by a co-operative of B2B media companies. Members contribute content consumption and behavioral data about their audiences that are aggregated into Intent topics. You can ingest Bombora intent directly into Demandbase and use the data to power marketing and sales growth at every stage of the account journey.

Bombora Intent rolls up multiple keywords into topics, while Demandbase lists keywords as individual words. If you’re uncertain about which product to use for Intent, we recommend starting with Demandbase due to our significantly larger dataset. Here’s a comparison of the two products (based on March 2024 data):

Bombora Demandbase

Data is sourced from content co-ops
direct relationship with publisher required

Data is sourced from the bidstream;
source can be any site where ads are displayed 

16.1 billion interactions per month
5,000 sites monitored
14,000+ Intent topics

Over 1 trillion interactions per month
3 million sites monitored
575,000+ Intent topics

Updated weekly only

Weekly updates + real-time trending

No historical data

One year of historical data populated within one week of adding new keywords

Only includes "surging" Intent

Includes both "trending Intent" and total Intent strength (volume) for each keyword from each account

Only English language supported

133 languages supported

Using Bombora Intent data in Demandbase requires a separate, paid license. See Set Up Intent for Bombora.

G2 Intent

G2 provides business software and services reviews. You can sync G2 intent directly into Demandbase and use the data to power marketing and sales growth at every stage of the account journey.

Using G2 Intent data in Demandbase requires a separate, paid license. Your G2 subscription level determines which Intent signals you have access to in Demandbase.

See Set Up Intent for G2 Integration.

TrustRadius Intent

TrustRadius is a website where business users can post software product reviews and view product comparisons. You can sync TrustRadius intent directly into Demandbase and use the data to power marketing and sales growth at every stage of the account journey.

Using TrustRadius Intent data in Demandbase requires a separate, paid license.

See Set Up Intent for TrustRadius Integration. 

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