With the Demandbase App Package, you can see Demandbase One for Sales (formerly Sales Intelligence) insights directly from Microsoft Dynamics.
The app comes with one iFrame that you can add to page layouts for visual engagement insights. This tabbed iFrame offers multiple tab views.
See Understanding the Demandbase One for Sales iFrame in Microsoft Dynamics for more information.
- Your company must have a Demandbase One for Sales License. See View by License Type for more information.
- You must have Dynamics 365 Admin role in Microsoft Dynamics.
- The Company, People, and Insights iFrame can be added to the Account, Opportunity, Contact, and Lead objects. The Engagement iFrame can be added to the Account, Contact, and Opportunity objects.
Steps: Download the Demandbase App Package
Go to the Microsoft AppSource Marketplace.
Search for Demandbase, select the Demandbase (Sales Intelligence Cloud) application and click Free trial.
Enter Microsoft Dynamics administrator credentials and click Sign in.
- Click Free Trial.
Choose the appropriate environment. Select the Permissions checkboxes and click Install.
On the left navigation pane, click Environments. During installation, the status for the Demandbase app is Installing…
- Once the installation is complete, the status for the Demandbase app changes to Installed.
Steps: Enable the Demandbase App for Microsoft Dynamics Users
- Open the same Microsoft Dynamics 365 environment from Steps: Download the Unified Demandbase App Package.
Go to
Settings > Advanced Settings > Demandbase > Org Settings.
- Click Continue to enable OAuth for all users.
- Enter Microsoft Dynamics administrator credentials and click Accept.
- The user access request starts automatically. When complete, the Demandbase Organizational Settings page is visible in Settings > Org Settings.