Integrate Twitter with Demandbase

  • Updated


The Twitter integration allows you to add Twitter Ads as a Destination for your Orchestration Audiences. After you set up the integration, you can create person-based Audiences to use with Twitter Ads.


You must have Admin privileges in Demandbase.

To use people-based Audiences, you must have Demandbase integrated with CRM or a Marketing Automation System.


  1. From the left navigation bar, go to Settings_N.png Settings > Integrated Systems > Integration.
  2. Click Create Data Source and select Twitter.
  3. Click Login with Twitter.
  4. In the Twitter sign in window, enter your Twitter credentials and click Sign In.
  5. Enter the following:
    • Connection name: Enter a name for the integration. The name appears in Demandbase and can help you distinguish between multiple integrations for the same data source.
      Important: Enter a Connection name with no spaces. For example, enter Connection_name.
    • Account ID: Enter your alphanumeric Account ID found in Twitter Account Settings.
    • Days Audiences are Actionable: Enter the number of days (up to 180) that Audience members remain active without any activity. By default, members remain active for 180 days without any activity.
  6. Click Save.


You can now add Twitter Ads as a Destination for your Audiences.

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