Integrate Outreach with Demandbase

  • Updated


The Outreach integration allows users to assign and run Outreach Sequences directly from Demandbase. See Take Action: Outreach Sequences for more information. 


You must have Administrative privileges in Demandbase and Outreach. 

Steps: Outreach API Setup

  1. Log in to Outreach as an admin user. 
  2. From the left navigation bar, go to Administration > Integrations > Apps and click Create new app. See the How to Access Outreach APIs article in Outreach for more information. 
  3. Click Create app and enter an App name.
    We recommend using Your Company Name + Demandbase. The App identifier section automatically populates.
  4. Check the terms and conditions boxes and click Create.  
  5. Click Save
  6. From the left navigation bar, go to Feature selection > Outreach API (OAuth).
  7. In the Outreach API authorization box, click Add feature. 
  8. Make sure the Development Client tab is selected.
  9. Scroll down to OAuth Application ID and copy the OAuth Application ID and Application Secret for Steps: Demandbase Setup.
  10. Scroll down to Callback URL and click Add new URL. In the Callback URL 1 box, enter

  11. Scroll down to API Scopes and select the following scopes:
    • accounts > all
    • mailboxes > all
    • prospects > all
    • sequences > all
    • sequenceStates > all
    • users > all
  12. Click Save.
    Important: You must copy the
    OAuth Application ID and Application Secret from step 9 before saving.

Steps: Demandbase Setup

  1. From the left navigation bar, go to Settings_N.png Settings > Integrated Systems > Integration.
  2. Click Create Data Source and select Outreach.
  3. Enter the Client Id and Client Secret you copied from the previous step, Steps: Outreach API Setup.
  4. (Optional) Toggle on Automatically create people to create new people in Outreach when new people are added to a Sequence. If this option is toggled off, only Leads and Contacts already in Outreach are added to a Sequence.
  5. Click Save.


You can use the Outreach Take Action feature in Demandbase to add or remove people from Sequences.

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