Reference: Demandbase Standard Filters

  • Updated

Demandbase provides standard account, people, and activity filters. The preconfigured Selector criteria for each standard filter are shown below. You can also create filters to use or share with users in your organization.

To access these filters, from the left navigation bar, go to Database_N.png Database > Account Filters, Person Filters, or Activity Filters. In the Filter Owner filter, enter or select System.


Account Filters

  • Shows accounts with no engagement in the last three months.

  • Shows accounts with no contacts or matched leads.

People Filters

  • Shows contacts or leads with C-level or vice president titles and at least 30 Engagement Minutes in the last three months.

  • Shows contacts or leads with C-level or vice president titles.

  • Shows leads that Demandbase matched to your accounts.

Activity Filters

  • Shows activities classified as marketing engagement in the standard Sales Engagement vs. Marketing Engagement segment.

  • Shows high intent activity related to existing keywords in the last month.

  • Shows inbound email activity. Demandbase only logs emails from users that have connected their inbox to Demandbase.

  • Shows meeting attendance activity. Demandbase only logs calendar events from users that have connected their inbox to Demandbase.

  • Shows accounts with trending intent activity in the last 30 days.

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