Understanding Forms Visitor Identification

  • Updated

Identification Methods

Demandbases uses the following APIs to identify a visitor to a Demandbase-enabled form:

  • IP-API
  • Domain API

Each API uses a different approach to identify the visitor, but returns a company profile associated with the visitor's supplied information.

Identification Process


When a visitor first views the Demandbase-enabled form, the Form Connector sends off an API call to the IP-API. If the IP address response resolves to a company, it is stored in the JavaScript variable:


Demandbase uses both IP address and user cookie information to best identify the visitor.

Domain API

If a visitor enters a company-identifiable email address domain, the Form Connector replaces the CompanyProfile value with the new response. You can modify the API priority within your forms enrichment setup.

If no identification is made on the email address domain (e.g., Gmail, Yahoo, etc. domain), then the IP address-identified company will remain as the CompanyProfile value.

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