The Audiences table is where all Audiences are displayed. To access this table, from the left navigation bar, go to Orchestration > Audiences. You can also go to Favorites to see your favorited Audiences or My Audiences to see Audiences you created.
The table provides the following information:
- Label: Name of the Audience you created or edited from the Details tab.
- Member Type: Account or Person, Account indicates the Audience syncs accounts and Person indicates it syncs people to the third-party platform.
- Destination: The third-party platform the Audience syncs to.
- Created By: Audience owner who created the Audience
- Schedule: The schedule currently set for the Audience. Options include Start, End, Start/End, or Ongoing.
- State: Active or Inactive, Active means the Audience is syncing to the selected Destinations. Inactive means that the Audience has either never synced or has been deactivated.
Status: Job status of the most recent sync:
- Failed: All people or accounts that qualified were unsuccessful for all destinations
- Partial Failed: Some people or accounts who qualified were unsuccessful for all destinations, or some destinations were unsuccessful for some people or accounts.
- Success: The Audience has synced and all qualified accounts or people have succeeded for all destinations.
- Not Yet Synced: The Audience has not yet synced.
- In Progress: The Audience is currently syncing.
- Favorite: Favorite an audience
- Created On: Date the audience was created
- Last Updated: Date the audience was modified
- Last Synced: Date of last sync