Create Audiences

  • Updated


You can create Audiences within Demandbase and sync them to your third-party platforms. Use Orchestration Audiences to target accounts or individuals using Selectors to create an Audience and update them dynamically. 


You must have Admin privileges or be assigned to a permission set with the required access to use Orchestration. 

You must have the Demandbase Orchestration or Advertising solution to create more than three Audiences.


  1. From the left navigation bar, go to Orchestration_N.png Orchestration > Audiences.
  2. Click Create New.
  3. In the Create New Audience window, enter the following:
    • Enter a Name for the Audience.
    • Select Person or Account from the Member Type drop-down list. The third-party platforms you can select for Destinations differ based on the option you select. Select Person to sync people to the third-party platform. Select Account to sync accounts to the third-party platform.
  4. Click Create Audience.


Demandbase creates the Audience and adds it to the Audiences table.

Next Steps

Define your Selector criteria and add a Destination.

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