You can create Audiences within Demandbase and sync them to your third-party platforms. Use Orchestration Audiences to target accounts or individuals using Selectors to create an Audience and update them dynamically.
You must have Admin privileges or be assigned to a permission set with the required access to use Orchestration.
You must have the Demandbase Orchestration or Advertising solution to create more than three Audiences.
- From the left navigation bar, go to
Orchestration > Audiences.
- Click Create New.
- In the Create New Audience window, enter the following:
- Enter a Name for the Audience.
- Select Person or Account from the Member Type drop-down list. The third-party platforms you can select for Destinations differ based on the option you select. Select Person to sync people to the third-party platform. Select Account to sync accounts to the third-party platform.
- Click Create Audience.
Demandbase creates the Audience and adds it to the Audiences table.
Next Steps
Define your Selector criteria and add a Destination.