Create an Account List Based on an Intent Keyword Set

  • Updated


Demandbase Selectors allow you to narrow down the exact data you want to access, such as lists (Account, Person, Opportunity), reports, stages in a customer’s journey, and more. Selectors can get complicated, depending on how many criteria you want to set up to narrow down your data. The following is an example to create an account list based on one of your keyword sets.


Create a keyword set and give it two or three hours to populate.


  1. From the left navigation bar, go to Database_N.png Database > Account Lists > Create New
  2. Enter the following information for a dynamic list (a list that continually updates according to changes Demandbase discovers on the websites that your prospects visit). You can make it Private, if you’re just practicing, but you can make it Public if you’re ready to share it with your team.
    Name: New intent account list
    List type: Dynamic List 
    Visibility: Private 
  3. Click Create list.
  4. From the Selector tab, select the Advanced sub-tab.
  5. Enter Demandbase Keyword Intent into the Search field and drag it to the Selector workspace.
    You’ll see the following Selector constraints:
  6. To use the Intent Keyword Set constraint, delete the Intent Keyword constraint and select the name of your keyword set.
  7. For the Intent Strength constraint, select High.
  8. You can leave the default Activity Date, as In the Past 3 Months.
  9. Click Save.


Select the List tab to see all the accounts showing high intent for the selected keyword set over the past three months.

Next Steps

Demandbase Keyword Intent is a standard filter that Demandbase provides. See Create and Save Filters and Reference: Demandbase Standard Intent Activity Selectors

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