Reference: Demandbase Standard Intent Activity Selectors

  • Updated

Demandbase provides standard Intent Selectors. They narrow down account, opportunity, or people lists according to the intent activity of the accounts they're associated with. These Selectors are great for quick access to accounts that show intent.

To use these Selectors with lists, from the left navigation bar, go to Database_N.png Database > Account Lists, Person Lists, or Opportunity Lists and create a new list. From the Selector tab, select the Advanced sub-tab, search for one of the Intent Selectors, and drag it to the Selectors workspace.


After you add an Intent Selector, you can add or edit the constraints you want to use. Save the Selector and go to the List tab to see the accounts that meet your criteria. For a complete example, see Create an Account List Based on a Keyword Set.

Demandbase Keyword Intent

Narrows down a list to the accounts that show an interest in a keyword or keyword set. It filters for baseline intent, showing what an account cares about. You can group them into High, Medium, or Low. We update the list weekly.


Trending Intent

Narrows down a list to the accounts that show an increasing interest in a keyword or keyword set, indicating that the accounts may be moving into a purchase cycle. We update the list daily.

Intent Surge

Narrows down a list to the accounts that show a recent, strong increase in interest in a Bombora, G2, TrustRadius, or imported topic. For Bombora, we update the list weekly. For CSV import data, you update the list by re-importing it.

Demandbase Geo Keyword Intent

Narrows down a list to the accounts that show an interest in a keyword or keyword set by geolocation. Within the United States, the geolocations available are based on the US census regions and divisions. Outside the United States, geolocations are available by country. See Set Up and Use Intent by Geolocation.


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