Take Action: Outreach Sequences

  • Updated


The Add to Outreach Sequence and Remove from Outreach Sequence actions allow you to add or remove people from Outreach Sequences directly from Demandbase.

Important: Outreach prevents actions from being taken on more than 100 people at a time. The limit only applies to the Take Action functionality. If you have the Orchestration solution, you can use Automations without this limitation.



Demandbase Outreach Integration and active Outreach Sequences

Steps: Add to Outreach Sequences

  1. Select people to add to a Sequence and click Take Action.
  2. In the right Take Action menu, select the Partner tab and click Add to Outreach Sequence.
  3. From the Assignee drop-down list, select the Outreach User that can access the Sequence. Sequences can be accessed by the owner, or any Outreach user if they are set as public. 
  4. From the Sequence drop-down list, select the Outreach Sequence you want people added to. 
  5. Click Confirm.

Steps: Remove from Outreach Sequences

  1. Select people to remove from a Sequence and click Take Action.
  2. In the right Take Action menu, select the Partner tab and click Remove from Outreach Sequence.
  3. From the Sequence drop-down list, select the Outreach Sequence you want people removed from. 
  4. Click Confirm.


Demandbase sends a request to Outreach to add or remove the people you selected from the Sequence.

Important: If a person is already part of an exclusive Sequence (setting managed in Outreach), an error message appears in Action History and a pop-up message warns you that Demandbase was unable to complete the action.

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