Understanding LinkedIn Access Tokens

  • Updated

When you integrate LinkedIn and Demandbase, an access token is generated for Demandbase to access your LinkedIn ad account. This is how we are able to create, manage, and update your audiences.

A LinkedIn access token is good for 1 year. After 1 year, if you do not re-authenticate your LinkedIn integration, your access token expires and your integration does not work.

You are notified in advance as your access token approaches its expiration date. Demandbase sends you notifications 1 month, 3 weeks, 2 weeks, and 1 day before your access token expires. If you still do not re-authenticate, you get a notification every day until you re-authenticate and generate a new access token.

When your LinkedIn access token expires, you see a expiration notice next to the LinkedIn integration in Settings N.png Settings > Integrated Systems > Integrations > LinkedIn.

Important: When re-authenticating LinkedIn, you must delete and add the LinkedIn ad account again. The audiences added for the LinkedIn ad account continue to be available after you delete and add the ad account. See Manage Ad Accounts.

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