Configure Marketo Sync

  • Updated


The Marketo integration syncs new leads, new activities, and updated fields of existing leads into Demandbase. You must complete the following steps before adding Marketo as a data source in Demandbase

See Marketo API Usage to learn more about the Marketo sync and API calls. 


In Marketo, we recommend granting Access Admin and Access API permissions to the Demandbase sync user. 

If you're unable to give Access Admin and Access API permissions, grant the following subset of permissions: 

Access Admin section:

  • Access Channels
  • Access Smart Campaign
  • Access SOAP API

Access API section:

  • Read Assets
  • Read Campaign
  • Read Opportunity
  • Read Activity
  • Read Person


Step 1: Create an API Role in Marketo

1.1 From Admin, click Users & Roles.

1.2 Click the Roles tab.

1.3 Select a New Role.

1.4 Enter a Role Name such as Demandbase Role.

1.5 Select the Access API and Access Admin Permissions.

1.6 Click Create.

Step 2: Create an API User in Marketo unless you already have an API User in Marketo

2.1 From Admin, click Security > Users & Roles.

2.2 Switch to the Users tab.

2.3 Click the Invite New User button.

2.4 Enter Demandbase in the First Name.

2.5 Enter API User in the Last Name.

2.6 Enter the email address in the Email Address (Example:

2.7 Check API Role (all workspaces) in the roles and workspaces.

2.8 Check the API Only.

2.9 Click Invite.

Step 3: Create a new service in Marketo unless you already have a LaunchPoint Service for REST API in Marketo

3.1 From Admin, click Integration | LaunchPoint.

3.2 Click New and select the New Service.

3.3 Enter Demandbase Rest Service in the Display Name.

3.4 Select Custom for Service.

3.5 Enter Provides OAuth credentials for integrating with Demandbase in the Description.

3.6 Pick the Email address in your domain as the API Only User.

3.7 Click Create.

Step 4: Retrieve the Client ID and Client Secret from Marketo

4.1 From Admin, click Integration | LaunchPoint.

4.2 Click the View Details link on the grid for the Demandbase Rest Service, or your                    LaunchPoint API service, to get the Client ID and Client Secret.

Step 5: Retrieve the Instance ID, User ID, and Encryption Key from Marketo

5.1 From Admin, click Integration | Web Services.

5.2 In the REST API section, Find Endpoint.

5.3 Instance ID is the string between https:// and (For example: instance ID is 650-KCG-111 for

5.4 In the SOAP API section, find the User ID and Encryption Key.

Step 6: Add Marketo as a Data Source in Demandbase

See this article: Integrate Marketo and Demandbase.

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