Demandbase syncs to numerous activities in Pardot, most of which can be found on Pardot's Prospect Activity Glossary.
Demandbase syncs all Pardot prospects and their associated activities of the following types:
- Form submission
- Website visit
- Email opens
- Email clicks
- Form visit
- Landing page visit
- File visit
- Landing page submission
- Attended webinar
- Registered for webinar
- Social post click
- Video view
- Video watched (> 75% watched)
- Video conversion
- Event registered
- Event checked in
Important: Salesforce ended support for standalone Pardot authentication on July 15, 2021. See Salesforce article Pardot User Migration FAQ.
Connect Pardot via OAuth
OAuth means logging in through the Salesforce login screen. This is the preferred method when you are adding Pardot as an integration.
- You must have Admin privileges in Demandbase.
- Access to Salesforce integration user credentials.
- Set up Pardot API with Salesforce OAuth. See the Setting Up Salesforce OAuth for Pardot API Authentication article in Salesforce.
- Completely log out of Salesforce, ensuring every window/tab is fully logged out. This is important.
From the left navigation bar, go to
Settings > Integrated Systems > Integrations.
- Click Create Data Source and select Salesforce under CRM.
Select Access Token for the OAuth Type. Enter the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret you obtained from following the Step 2: Obtain Salesforce Credentials article.
- Enter the Pardot Business Unit ID. See the Find my Account Engagement Business Unit ID: second Business Unit ID (used for the API) article in Salesforce for instructions.
- If applicable, enter your Salesforce Custom Domain. Enter demandbase if your Salesforce URL is
Click Save.
- In the Salesforce sign in window, login to the Salesforce instance you want Demandbase to connect to.
- After successful authentication, Demandbase starts verifying permissions for required and optional Salesforce Objects. If permission for a required object cannot be verified, check the permissions of the corresponding Salesforce instance. For more information on permissions, see Best Practices: Salesforce Permissions.
- Click Create after Demandbase verifies all required permissions.
Connect Pardot with a Password
If you are unable to complete the integration using the OAuth Access Token method described above, follow the steps in this section.
- You must have Admin privileges in Demandbase.
- You have completed Obtain Salesforce Credentials to gather the Consumer Id and Secret.
- Retrieve Username and Password of the Salesforce Integration User.
Retrieve Security Token for the Integration User:
a. Log in to Salesforce as the user you want Demandbase to connect Salesforce with, your Sync User.
b. Click the drop-down list at the top right next to the username and select Setup or My Settings.
c. Go to Personal Setup > My Personal Information > Reset My Security Token.
d. Click Reset Security Token.
e. Check your email for the Security Token. -
From the left navigation bar, go to
Settings > Integrated Systems > Integrations.
- Click Create Data Source and select Salesforce under CRM.
Select Password for the OAuth Type.
- Enter the Pardot Business Unit ID.
Click Save.
Data is processed after the sync and available in the customer database according to the schedules described in Understanding Demandbase Data Availability.
Data Sync Settings and status are available.