Integrate HubSpot MAS and Demandbase

  • Updated


There are two ways of getting your HubSpot marketing automation system (MAS) data into Demandbase:


HubSpot Marketing: Professional or Enterprise Subscription.

Salesforce: Enterprise, Unlimited, or Performance Edition (for the HubSpot MAS-Salesforce-Demandbase integration option). 

You must have Admin privileges in HubSpot and Demandbase.

Steps: Native Integration with HubSpot MAS

  1. From the left navigation bar, go to Settings_N.png Settings > Integrated Systems > Integrations.
  2. Click Create Data Source and click HubSpot.
  3. Toggle on Active and click Save. 
    Make sure you don't toggle on Include CRM?
    HS New.png
  4. Log in to HubSpot using admin credentials and authenticate the integration. 

Steps: Sync HubSpot MAS > Salesforce > Demandbase

You can sync Hubspot MAS to Salesforce and then to Demandbase. See Hubspot's Workflow action article for more information. 

  1. Sync data from HubSpot MAS to Salesforce using the following methods: 
    • Salesforce Campaign Method
      Tip: Salesforce Campaigns must be created before you can add people to the Campaign. 
    • Salesforce Tasks Method
  2. In Demandbase, use Salesforce data and fields related to Hubspot. 


The integration syncs data from Hubspot MAS to Demandbase.

Important: The initial data sync may take 2-5 days, depending on volume. You can monitor the progress in Demandbase at unnamed.png Settings > Demandbase-Wide Settings > Data Sync. See Understanding Data Sync Status for more information. 


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