You can blacklist email addresses, domains, or accounts from the Email Access Control page. Communication from blacklisted email addresses or domains and communication between Demandbase users and blacklisted accounts do not sync to Demandbase. Communication History is also not available for blacklisted email addresses, domains, or accounts.
Tip: Blacklisting internal accounts is recommended if you have demo accounts or other divisions listed as accounts in your CRM.
You must have Admin privileges or be assigned to a permission set with the required Demandbase settings access.
- From the left navigation bar, go to
Settings > Platform > Email Access Control.
In the Communication Sync section, select Blacklisted Email Addresses from the drop-down list or click Switch to text view to enter email addresses manually and click Apply. Emails entered manually can be internal or external email addresses.
Tip: To blacklist an entire email domain, enter - Select Blacklisted Accounts from the drop-down list or click Switch to text view to enter accounts manually and click Apply.
Select an option to set a global rule that determines if communication is synced when it includes a Demandbase user, an external account, and a non-Demandbase user within your company.
- Continue to sync the email: Sync the communication to Demandbase.
- Do not sync the email: Do not sync the communication to Demandbase.
The communication for blacklisted email addresses, domains, and accounts is no longer synced to Demandbase.