Step 6: (Optional) Add Demandbase ABX as a Tab in Salesforce

  • Updated


This article walks you through the steps for adding Demandbase ABX as a Tab in Salesforce Lightning and Salesforce Classic.


You must have Admin privileges within your Salesforce environment to create tabs. 

Your users in Salesforce must have a Demandbase log in. 

Steps: Salesforce Lightning

  1. Log in to Salesforce as an Admin user.
  2. Click on Setup at the top right of the page.  
  3. In the left panel, navigate to User Interface > Tabs. 
  4. Go to Web Tabs > New.
  5. Choose Full page width as the layout for the new tab, then click Next.
  6. Set up the label and click Next
    • Tab Label: Demandbase
    • Tab Name: Demandbase
    • Tab Style: Can be any of the default styles, or you can create a custom style.
    • Frame Height: 600 pixels.
  7. In Button or Link URL, enter You can leave the other sections blank. Click Next
  8. Assign tab visibility to user profiles. Click Next
  9. Add tab to Custom Apps. If you do not add the tab to Apps such as "Marketing" and "Sales", it is unavailable to users assigned to those Apps. Click Save

Steps: Salesforce Classic

  1. Log in to Salesforce as an Admin user.
  2. Click on Setup at the top right of the page
  3. In the left panel, navigate to Build > Create and click Tabs
  4. Go to Web Tabs > New.
  5. Choose Full page width as the layout for the new tab, then click Next.
  6. Set up the label and click Next
    • Tab Label: Demandbase
    • Tab Name: Demandbase
    • Tab Style: Can be any of the default styles, or you can create a custom style.
    • Frame Height: 600 pixels.
  7. In Button or Link URL, enter You can leave the other sections blank. Click Next. 
  8. Assign tab visibility to user profiles. Click Next
  9. Add tab to Custom Apps. If you do not add the tab to Apps such as "Marketing" and "Sales", it is unavailable to users assigned to those Apps. Click Save


You can access Demandbase ABX directly from a tab in Salesforce. 

Screen Shot 2022-07-11 at 3.36.09 PM_2.png


If you or one of your users sees a blank frame where the Demandbase ABX tab should show, they may need to review their browser settings. Cross-site cookies are required to display the information. In Chrome, for example, one should go to Settings > Privacy and security > Cookies and other site data, then select "Allow all cookies". 

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