Understanding Recommended and Confirmed Buying Group Members

  • Updated

In Demandbase One for Sales (formerly Sales Intelligence), the label that appears with a contact’s profile overview helps you determine whether they are a recommended or confirmed buying group member. It also indicates if the contact has additional unconfirmed recommendations.

Label Overview 2.png

You can see the label in the profile overviews of contacts in the following areas of the Sales web app:

  • Account preview section of the Prescriptive Sales Dashboards
  • Top People section on the Account tab
  • Buying Group sub-tab on the People tab
  • Person preview and full profile page on the People tab

Tip: You can also see the label in the same areas of the Account and People tabs of the CRM iFrame.

Label Definitions

The appearance of the label for a contact varies based on whether the contact has confirmed or unconfirmed recommendations.

The number in the label shows how many additional recommendations are available. For example, +3 means the contact has four total recommendations. The recommendation shown in the label plus three additional recommendations.

Tip: Hover over the label to see all buying group recommendations.

Label Appearance Definition
Label Unfilled 2.png An unfilled label means the contact has one or more recommendations, but none have been confirmed.
Label Partially Filled 2.png A partially filled label means the contact has both confirmed and unconfirmed recommendations.
Label Filled 2.png A fully filled label means all of the contact’s recommendations  have been confirmed.

Filter for Recommended and Confirmed Members

To filter for recommended and confirmed buying group members, go to the People tab for an account and select the Buying Group sub-tab, if necessary. In the left People filter section, use the filters to show or hide members based on their buying group member status.

  • To show members with one or more unconfirmed recommendations, deselect the Confirmed members checkbox.
    Tip: This includes buying group members with both confirmed and unconfirmed recommendations.
  • To show buying group members with all recommendations confirmed, deselect the Recommended members checkbox.

Tip: You can also view and re-add dismissed recommendations. For more information, see Manage Buying Group Members.

People Filters.png

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