FAQ: Folders for Account, Person, and Opportunity Lists

  • Updated

What types of items can be added to folders?

You can use folders to group and manage your account, person, and opportunity lists.

Can different types of lists be added to a single folder?

No, you can only add a single list type to each folder. For example, from the Account Lists page, you can create folders for your account lists.

Do I need admin privileges to use folders?

No, folders are available to both admin and non-admin users.

Are the folders I create private or public?

All folders you create are public and can be edited, moved, or deleted by other users. You currently cannot make folders private.

Does Demandbase keep track of changes people made to folders?

No, there is currently no change history available for folders.

Can folders be created within folders?

Yes, you can create up to four levels of sub-folders within each top-level folder. Folders can include both sub-folders and lists.

Can lists be added to multiple folders?

Yes, you can add the same list to multiple folders. 

Can I add lists created by other users to folders?

Yes, you can add any of your organization’s lists to folders.

What happens to the lists in a folder if I delete it?

When you add a list to a folder, you associate the list with the folder, similar to a label. Deleting a folder removes the association, but doesn’t delete the list. You can always view all of your organization’s lists from the Lists tab on the Account Lists, Person Lists, or Opportunity Lists pages.

Can folders be created in workspaces?

Yes, if you’re licensed to use workspaces, you can create folders in global and individual workspaces.

Can folders be sent to other workspaces?

No, you currently cannot send folders to other workspaces. The folders created in a workspace can only be used in that workspace.

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