Upgrade the Demandbase Adobe Analytics Launch Extension to IP-API v3

  • Updated


The Demandbase Adobe Analytics Launch Extension works with Adobe Analytics to make Demandbase account firmographic attributes available in your Adobe Analytics reports. The extension calls the Demandbase IP-API asynchronously to identify companies in real time.

Demandbase recently updated the extension to allow for upgrading to the latest version of the Demandbase IP-API, version 3. The updated IP-API version provides improved account identification accuracy and broader account coverage.

Changes to the API response for IP-API v3 include:

  • New firmographic attributes
  • Deprecated firmographic attributes
  • Updated method for adding or changing custom firmographic attributes

New Firmographic Attributes

The following table shows the new firmographic attributes in IP-API v3. To see all the firmographic attributes in IP-API v3, see Reference: Firmographic Attributes Overview for Demandbase IP-API (Updated v3 Version).

Attribute Name API Variable Name
Company ID company_id
Fax Number fax
Equifax ID efx_id
Company LinkedIn URL company_linkedin_profile
Company Status company_status
Company Type/Ownership company_type
Business Structure business_structure
Parent Company ID parent_id
Parent Name parent_name
Ultimate Parent Company ID ultimate_parent_id
Ultimate Parent Company Name ultimate_parent_name

Deprecated Firmographic Attributes

The following table shows IP-API v2 firmographic attributes that are no longer available in IP-API v3.

Attribute Name API Variable Name
Demandbase ID demandbase_sid
B2B b2b
B2C b2c
Traffic traffic
Latitude latitude
Longitude longitude
HQ SID hq_sid
Domestic HQ SID domestichq_sid
World HQ SID worldhq_sid
HQ  hq
Domestic HQ domestichq
World HQ worldhq

Important: If you upgrade the extension to IP-API v3 and currently use any of the deprecated attributes, the extension informs you that the attributes used are no longer available and must be removed or updated before saving.


  1. To update the Demandbase Adobe Analytics Launch extension, do the following:
    a. Navigate to the Extensions section in your Adobe Launch property.
    b. In the Installed tab, click the Demandbase extension.
    c. In the right pane, click the upgrade option.
    Launch Upgrade 1.png
    d.  In the confirmation window that opens, click Upgrade.
  2. To update the IP-API version, select v3 from the IP API Version drop-down list.
    Launch Upgrade 2.png
  3. To resolve errors shown for deprecated attributes in the Data Elements Configuration section, do one of the following:
    • Replace deprecated attributes with a different attribute. For example, replace Demandbase SID (demandbase_sid) with Company ID (company_id).
    • Remove deprecated attributes by leaving the attribute value blank. Leaving the attribute value blank stops data from being passed for that attribute.
      Launch Upgrade 3.png
      Important: For deprecated attributes that include watch_list in the attribute name (Attribute 8 in the above screenshot), replace watch_list with custom_ fields. For example, replace watch_list_account_owner with custom_fields_account_owner.
  4. Publish the changes to production.

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